
People really don't care much about hats, and it has never killed the game.

INBETWEENERS is a British comedy film about teenagers trying to be grown ups.


i guess 95% of people replaying about games being lovecraftian have never read anything written by lovercarft

All of which reminds me: Where's my Bubblegum Crisis movie? That hits all your points with laser precision!

Next step: Figuring out how to roll a spider over.

After Killing it with fire? Sure...

i just wanted to quote the part with pudge and his hook.

Not several... also it was only 1 match...
it has been in game for years, since dota was dota, but it seems that new players, most of which only first saw it for the first time during the TI3, don't agree with it's mechanic so Valve went the easy way and removed / fixed it.

Excalibur ! not so much for Captain Britain but for Nightcrawler, Kitty has probably been in almost every xmen or mutant comic related, she phased through all !

Now playing

My guess was the next step would be for Pokemon trainers to morph into actual humanlike Pokemon.....but wait.....

The movie you want is The New Mutants...
There's plenty of females in the team, specially in lead roles, besides some others that come by from time to time to join the team during the comic.
The Team Leader is Danielle Moonstar aka Mirage.
Also there's a lot of Sagas that could really work well as a movie.

That would involve dealing with Modern Day Square Enix, though.



lets see.. well i like Batman?....and the Titans? ....and...
and... yeah i think that's alllll about it. Way too hard for me to care about anything DC related. I'm way too Marvel.