
Yeah I think not. I like to keep my pants clean.

BUT now stop and imagine all that... WITH OCULLUS RIFT !

I'm going to be fabulous.


A game that stars a potato, eh?

*Clicks "1991" link, notices a character named "Magenta Comstock"*

agreed, these new images look extremely... american...

Ooohhh that art style is a big turnoff for me. A lot of 009's charm comes from Ishinomori's Tezuka-esque character designs. This just looks like X-Men in snazzy outfits.

Death by Snu Snu!

Given that the solo Wolverine movies have tanked, maybe they should try this:

I for one look forwards to playing Sonic the Hedgehog 2076 on a neural implant computer as an old lady, cackling in a Roujin Z-style robot bed as I run around at the speed of sound.

And adding a feature that enables/disables app users to join your game would be cool too.

Agree. It wont be until very believable (but user definable) AI that alot of people will go offline for suspiciously long amounts of time.

The real danger with this is forgetting about your actual surroundings and fapping in front of an open window...and possibly falling through the window naked.

Doesn't having to send an invite take some of the fun out of it? I'd prefer to never know when a mobile player could be ready to unleash hell.