Now playing

It's still in the new one (skip to about 30 seconds in).

Well that awoke 10 years worth of repressed memories. FEELS

I was with a small group of mercenaries. They were all lost to a common foe. I'll join you!

Lowers your sex life by 100% and adds shame.

All the feels

Wow. Once again, apparently it's okay to show hundreds of virtual people being murdered and splattered all over the walls but show one virtual person getting raped and suddenly people are offended.

Fake Rape Scene being re evaluated. Meanwhile you just killed 203 people. Gamez.

Looks absolutely generic, safe, and pitiful compared to the original.

Oh hey! Jason is ACTUALLY writing AND acknowledging the UK/Europe for once!


Guns don't kill people, people with legos kill people.

I guess tall people see beauty in everyone ;)

Dude, IV was a misstep and the team realized it. It's why V is basically harkening straight back to I and II, except with voices and 3D graphics and such. It's slow to start but I'd put V as the second-best game in the series after II. If you liked the series, don't let IV make you think it's dead. Instead play V. And

yeah... it's a MUST LIST and we must experiment bad things in life too in order to grow