
I miss Destruction Derby and the Vigilante8 games =/

Check out how many layers of sound there are: The underlying churn of traffic, the bursts of music from passing cars, engines, the chatter of passersby, and so on... it's astounding that Rockstar has been able to program this much audio and have it change as often as it does.

who wouldn't...

GTAV hype... just ignore and walk around... it's better that way

you guys... are way too deep into it

Now playing

i prefer brizzy's version, you know... the same from that pokemon video

Loved FFXIV, but passed to just leave this here...

in my country... well... if you don't import them you're probably fucked(which i have done to 3), unless you read online, but online reading sucks =/

Some of the books are hard to find, also it's already become pretty rare to read most physical books for a lot of people(unless the book is sort of a trend -.-), and usually it also sucks to read digital copies. Audio versions help a lot, but ...
Anyway i understand your point, but it can't be helped =/

yeah cause it was always super easy to use and hit that bug... bullshit
that's what made it special, the mechanic of it. Its a sad change.
It was stupidly hard, otherwise in every match, not only competitive scene, but casual also, there would be always that fucking combo. It's such a dumb thing to worry almost useless

Not several... also it was only 1 match...
it has been in game for years, since dota was dota, but it seems that new players, most of which only first saw it for the first time during the TI3, don't agree with it's mechanic so Valve went the easy way and removed / fixed it.

Yeah cause after beauty, balance and evolution(megas) there's also the soul, you need to really link yourself with your pokemon. We copied it from Digimon? No, we would never do such a thing.... We have always been thinking of doing something like that... again...

Yeah cause it would totally make sense if from what i created other people using it actually got all the credit without even mentioning who initially helped them to develop and create all that.

lets see.. well i like Batman?....and the Titans? ....and...
and... yeah i think that's alllll about it. Way too hard for me to care about anything DC related. I'm way too Marvel.

BUT now stop and imagine all that... WITH OCULLUS RIFT !

Ginyu and Buu really do look good, the others are fine....

i already said about marvel and Dc and yet here they are...
i love samurai jack cause that's exactly the point i'm talking about, it isn't a way Americanized style like other things, it has it's own bright, Adventure time just blows with creativity.

exactly... if i want american style draws i already have plenty of Comics from both Marvel and DC to choose to read. That art style and lines just killed great part of it for me, but for those who never read it, it's a good thing... i guess?
suddenly i feel old -.-

Good maybe DDO unlimited will finally move on and get some love, the whole copyright/sue fighting with Atari/Neverwinter made all the updates stop for a way too long time, really fucking long time without any decent update, but recently it seems to be slowly coming back.