still lingering and hoping for portal 3 somehow in the future
still lingering and hoping for portal 3 somehow in the future
i agree, invite should be optional, it should show a list of Available games for the person on the mobile app to join, listing the ones with better delay \ response \ Connection Available for them to join and mess around.
The Surprise factor of "wtf is happening" would make it great
Well Suikoden I is already on PSN if i remember it right(not an HD version whatsoever), and in chronological order of the series story it happens after V, then you go II and III.
V is indeed good, Tierkeis wasn't BAD as most ppl say, it was just another totally different game from the series.
II still holds as my favorite game ever over any game.
Rating the suikoden games i'd have II then V, III and I tied and that IV at last <shivers>
Now imagine it.. with a god damn Oculus RIFT !
maybe until the release of the game |2015|
rift is already out kicking ass !
In the Table of the Stars of Destiny...
||| Star - Chiyu, The Obscure Star |||
||Quincy | Richmond | Kidd | Deborah | Oboro | Jason Schreier |
||Castle Detective||
|Jason Schreier -How to Recruit: Unknown, Location Kotaku.
idk, the reveal about his past was good enough to good to give him enough depth, he like many was fighting for what he thought would be better, but which was also part of his vengeance against Jowston Alliance. Became obsessed with it and went crazy blind for blood. He was a good 'mid game' villain to have before the…
Muse ? geez pretty early game then xD
i thought it was other town, gg then there's a long way ahead ^^
Suikoden II is my favorite, which town ?
There's , i wouldn't say a glitch, but it's hard to discover and you'll only find this if you really explore the map, you can recruit some people like really really early in game if you travel around really far.
About 13 hours? so you're far from facing luca?
we'll have more
sorry but i'll be waiting for audiosurf 2..
and now i feel the urge to play some Beat Hazard again...
someone should mail that team...
Well unless they go a La Mass Effect... shattering dreams and hopes with some stupid bad ending or stupidity after all the hype it's previous games, for being good, are causing towards the 3rd title -.-
But they learned their lesson...
... at least i hope they learned...
...they better have learned...
People who dislike it disliked since it came out. It's not a trend. The game has it's credits, but it isn't nowhere a good game compared to a lot of others that didn't make into list. Still as they made me realize, it isn't a list of BEST GAMES, it is a list of MUST PLAY, everyone needs to experience bad things in…
yeah... it's a MUST LIST and we must experiment bad things in life too in order to grow