
If it works anything like Ingress, not being in a big city will put you at a major disadvantage or make regular play borderline impossible.

I hope I’m not the only person who felt sorry for Mewtwo. LOOK AT THAT GLEEFUL MOB KICKING THE SHIT OUT OF HIM

Reminds me of that Dennou Coil anime which had actual glasses for AR making it a lot more immersive:

nope, nearest is Ohio.

IMO the fact that “nothing really happened” at the Nissan dealer is the single best thing that could’ve possibly come out of that. It was awesome! And given how popular that column was, I think a lot of people agreed.

I would love to see a story of who has had the lowest offer ever from carmax.

No, but it seems to be a better story every single time. So I don’t mind.

Same. I fear now they may put out an APB for a guy in an old right hand drive Nissan.

I knew drawing Meghan Trainor in the office pool wasn’t going to pan out.

“’that shirt looks really hot on you’ or random comments about my looks/body. I mean, if someone said that shit to me now, I’d crack down right away,”

TRUTH. Also, every goddamn person you even vaguely know will hassle you to help them move house.

Finally, one Friday, he said, “Let me borrow it this weekend! I need to move some stuff out of my garage.”

“Never loan anybody your pickup truck.” is a lesson that needs to be burned into the brains of anyone who buys a pickup. Just by it’s nature, anybody who wants to use your truck is not asking for it because they need to transport a cardboard box filled with lace dollies. They’re going to beat that thing like a rented

We need a mandatory high school class in workers rights in this country. Like the year that you’re eligible to work you attend a class where they talk about minimum wage, hourly pay and wage theft, sexual harassment, workplace injuries and your rights in regards to them, and all the other crap that can happen on the

I have a persistent stress dream where it turns out I didn’t get enough credits to finish high school and I have to go back, but I am incapable of remembering my schedule.

It’s like this person made his bucket list to purposely do everything wrong in life.

The subtext of Kung Fu Hustle is the negative impact that Hollywood was having Hong Kong and Chinese movies: cheap lazy effects instead of true stunts and fighting.

So you ripped the entire comic off the site and denied them ad revenue? Is that ethical?? Kotaku isn’t really adding much content to the actual comic to justify Gawker getting a click and ad revenue.

You deserve every joke made about you.