
I’ve been going through searching for countries to see what kind of referenced have been made.

wait, is that actually part of the canon?

I’ve wanted Dark Cloud 2 on the PSN forever, they finally release it, and...it’s for the PS4.

I dunno, I liked the 2014 remake because I felt like it reintroduced the story of Godzilla in an appropriate way. To me Godzilla has always came off as being an ancient Titan, a being that was created or existed in a time far removed from humanity and its doings. He was given a singular purpose - to protect the Earth;

Would it really be a mark against? WoW has kept the Warcraft series alive, and has pushed the lore and storyline much further than any of their other titles have gone. Warcraft was always kind of niche within the Blizzard lineup, with Starcraft being its biggest heavy hitter and Diablo coming in at a close second. WC3

Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction should be at the top of the list, in my opinion.

If I’m ever successful in creating my own religion (and this is something that I seriously want to do one day). I will ensure that there is a Holiday situated some where between January and Mid-March. The inevitable depression that settles in as you slog through the rest of the winter desperately waiting for Spring to

there was supposed to be a pork shortage in general; price of pork was going to skyrocket - never happened.

watched that movie so many times as a kid; couldn’t even tell you the plot or what it was about.

The problem is that we are using an out dated medium of health insurance. It was great when it came about, but its become archaic and needs a total revamp/change. Currently the biggest problem is the fact that the medical industry its self has routinely jacked up its prices in order to squeeze more money out of

aw crap, I got two of these sitting in my fridge.

Doesn’t Worf routinely get knocked out though?

Yeah! you know, War Hammer! and, and uhh...we also got American Man! Spy Woman, and Little-Tiny!

it still exists

I guess mine would be the weird dragons dogma mmo thing that they decided to release.

Persona 5.

I wish Studio Ghibli would do a full feature of Journey to the West

domestic violence is domestic violence; there’s no way around that. Your attempt to defend it by throwing out some falsification that somehow because someone is “smaller” they are incapable of dealing any damage to someone is mind boggling stupid.

I’ll support your idea, but first you’re going to have to walk from my home to my work.