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    I don’t think I’m getting a check, but if I do I am endorsing it and immediately mailing it to Joe Biden’s campaign. It would be even better if Trump’s signature were on it.

    I don’t think I’m getting a check, but if I do I am endorsing it and immediately mailing it to Joe Biden’s campaign.

    The Flash will hit theaters at FULL THROTTLE?

    The Delos team at the Mesa found Hector’s body there, right? So his actual control unit was in that body, and they transmitted the data I thought. Wouldn’t that mean his original pearl is still intact and they can rebuild it? Or even if it’s not intact, don’t they have the data? can’t they just look in their “sent

    I got into them in college, before I’d formed any real musical taste (same with Sublime, who i friend from Long Beach introduced us to). I still do enjoy a handful of their songs unironically, and if “Down” comes on up shuffle i won’t change it (and I guess I still like it enough to have it on my phone). I think the

    It was my now-wife who was always yelling at me for cooking on high heat all the time, mostly because she was worried about the non-stick pans releasing fumes. The problem she has is that she cooks EVERYTHING on low heat, no matter what it is, no matter what pan, so nothing ever gets seared or crispy. You can’t cook

    You walk into any asian grocery, and you’re likely to find in the snack aisle a bag of preserved orange peels. And lemon peels. and watermelon seeds. 

    There’s a scene in the Godfather II (I think) where Al Pacino appears to be eating an orange in this same manner. Though without the peel, I think.

    Mayo is easily my favorite condiment, but once a friend told me she uses it to make grilled cheese instead of butter and I thought she was nuts. Until I tried it. Still not my go-to method, but a nice change of pace and something I never ever would’ve thought of on my own.

    One of the reasons I love egg salad (besides it being delicious) is that it’s eggs dressed.... with eggs! Sort of also the same thing I appreciate about chicken salad. Adult chicken whipped together with unborn chicken sauce. 

    The best advice that unfortunately took me way to long to learn- Not every time you turn on the stove does it have to be set to the highest heat.

    I am unreasonably excited for the next Psych movie, and I cannot be the only one. It’s just... pleasant.

    It’s always seemed more pelt than traditional hair...

    That’s weird, I was just sitting around thinking “I wonder what ever happened to the Oneders?”

    I’d rather see a squeal to Can’t Hardly Wait. Can you imagine how expensive it would be to get that whole cast together now? Granted, I don’t think there’s any super A-list people in that, but there’s like 50 B and C-listers.

    Every time i watch it, I’m more and more creeped out by the doorman Lamar. Especially his weird smile straight into the camera at the very end. If Lamar ever got laid off he’d definitely do something CRAZY at the hotel.

    Well I’m sure a lot of them probably thought it was fake. And we really only saw people on the LA subway, and they’re probably all pretty despondent already.

    Honestly, with Lena Waithe staring despondently at her phone and sort of narrating what was going on, I had this weird sensation of being in a really dystopian AT&T commercial. Like seeing everyone get their Incite info and she’s like “More for your thing? that’s OUR thing. IT’S ALL OUR THING.” Like a commercial that

    He was also in a movie I can’t believe I just watched, Underwater. And his role was like and advanced “That Guy” role, meaning it should’ve been years before he was cast in that kind of role in that kind of movie. Coincidentally, of the six humans in that movie, Vincent Cassel was also among them.

    The reason for me that the Pete reveal wasn’t a surprise at all is that this is such a lean, insular show. There’s literally not one character who shows up who doesn’t drive the plot somehow. There’s so little extraneous plot/characterization that Forest’s dead wife gets like 2 whole lines. Did we even know she was

    I thought she was cold b-word in Scott Pilgrim but JESUS... How is 2020 the year of Lethal Pil?