
I can tell you that she is HUGE here in Brazil. Almost every teenage girl has Crazy In Love and Single Ladies on their cellphones. Plus, she probably is the most talented performer in pop music right now.

I'm dying to meet a Naughty Girl in there.

Brazilian man here, couldn't agree more.

Anthropology major here

Ring bearER, ring bearER, damn it!

Yeah, anyone who knows even a little bit about musical vocalism knows that the fact that she was able to go as high as that G5 (I think it was a G5) after doing all of that is mind-blowing.

Yeah, but shouldn't the people who spend the year complaining about how the Grammys are a mess and how they just know that the awards are going to the wrong people be used to it by now? Yet, every year we see these people get upset when the award show that is famous for sucking at giving awards sucks at giving awards.

Speak for yourself.

Yes, because that was the only thing she did '-'.

I'm just glad she finally started to use a cane.

Sara is among the best singers/songwriters in pop music right now. Also, she seems adorable.

She also managed to, you know, lift a 90 Kg man from the ground.

No one mentions Pink's performance? Come on, people! Whether or not one enjoys her music, one has to admit that she was absolutely amazing last night.

The way he said that line made me burst out laughing. Oh, Pat, you're so clueless!

I think he meant to say "One word, no loopholes: Yes." in answer to Peter's question.

Well, his motivations may not be the best, but I think we should be utilitarians on this matter: yes, he's most likely doing it for selfish and/or misguided reasons, but so is almost everyone else who is Top 40. The guy is sending a nice message about acceptance worldwide, which is better than those god-awful Pitbull

So, yeah, this episode was fucking great. I even liked it better than last week's.

Katy Perry had eight number one songs during the last 3 years, and she'll probably be number one again next week (her song is #2 right now and she has a Grammy performance coming up).