
Team is Top 10 this week, which is nice. I really Tennis Court too.

I do, yes.

I love how instead of using the translation "kiseki", they just chose to go with a "japanese" version of the word miracle. It makes me giggle at the silliness.

I laughed at how silly Oliver must have felt while saying it.

I am so down with this.

She can even move her forehead muscles!

I looked it up and you're right, here's what they said about Laurel:

Sadly, it seems that the writers decided to stick with that storyline from the comics, which is a shame. They gave enough interviews about how they're planning to make Laurel hit rock bottom before rebuilding her into Black Canary.

They had to make her the center of the episode in order for it to mildly work. The problem is exactly that during non-Laurel-centric episodes she usually has nothing to do besides stealing screentime and annoying viewers.

"Was he the one who planted the drugs in your apartment?"

Laurel would probably just ruin it, you know, like she ruins everything.

She is coming back? WHY DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS?

Boo! Olicity is the only true ship! *goes to tumblr to look for Olicity gifs*

I guess Thea does have the perfect first date outfit, Sin was looking a bit like Jennifer Lawrence during that scene.

My favorite bit was "The Lord tells us that a bachelor's party is between one man and one stripper."

Oh, don't give up, Bradley. I'm sure you'll win the Globes in 2015.

I'm not saying her music is good, I'm just saying it's hard to get away from. A hit is a hit precisely because it's being played everywhere, the idea that only "teeny-bopper fanboys or fangirls" are exposed to her music when basically every song of hers is a hit is absurd. Last week I was walking down the street and a

Not being retarded is not the same as being deep. I agree that most of her lyrics are retarded, which is way I value this song and not the other ones of her.

Dude, google tells me she had songs featured in at least six commercials (Walmart, Adidas, perfumes, etc) during the last couple of years, so I have a hard time believing that you never accidentally listened to any of it.

You also stay away from tv and radio, I take.