
Meh, I just used wikipedia because it's a "neutral" way of pointing out central concepts to the argument.

"Years from now, Twilight may get a re-evaluation. But, no one who likes it now praises it based on its literary merit, so it is unlikely it will ever earn status as great literature. It is the equivalent of a pop hit, successful at what it's trying to do (titillate bored housewives), but a failure beyond that (have

"And when Gatsby first came out, it also didn't do well. Art often takes time for people to appreciate, that doesn't mean that its inherent worth isn't always there. Fitzgerald famously said, "An author ought to write for the youth of his own generation, the critics of the next, and the schoolmaster of ever

"The Great Gatsby objectively has merit as a work of literature based on standards that critics, professors, and readers alike have all come to agreement upon."


Well, he is dancing better than her…

They had the perfect opportunity two episodes ago when Jaime and Tyrion were talking at the cell waiting for the duel to start. They could have made one of them mention her and there would be some exposition dialogue just to remind the viewers about her.

"Well, she dead. You defeated the greatest evil of Oz, now you shall take your rightful place among your sisters and reign with us in peace and beauty forever."

Well, the way I see it, the specific exchange between the two women wasn't about directly Nick Fury. The conversation between them is four lines and Fury isn't discussed in those lines, only ballistics (even though he is the reason why they are having the conversation). I will agree that it's very very thin.

(Hill enters from rear)

Captain America does, in fact, pass the test. Maria Hill and the Black Widow briefly discuss the bullets which killed Fury.

1)Drumroll, Please
2)Slap Bet
3)Ten Sessions
4)Right Place, Right Time
5)Rabbit or Duck
6)Subway Wars
7)Symphony of Illumination
8)The Final Page

Marry, Fuck, Kill Agustin thread, go:

Kill: Agustin.
Eff: Dom
Marry: Kevin. While he has done some shitty stuff to Patrick, I think those are more out of being a little clueless (much like Patrick) or being caught up in the moment than actually being eeevil.

Here's the deal, show: give me a scene with Tovey and Groff fucking and I will follow you to the ends of the earth.

Come on, nobody is that straight.

I love how the writers have embraced her druggie persona completely.

Gina Torres would nail that role.

You do realize that whenever you ask for the reasons why you were downvoted, you're basically saying "HEY, SCREW WITH ME, DOWNVOTE ME AGAIN", right?

My biggest laugh was when Paul opened the door and we saw the support group. God, that was amazing.