
Dibs on "fuck"!

Yes, I actually consider Teenage Dream a pop masterpiece: the song is silly, fun to sing in the car, ridiculously catch and well produced, which is precisely what I look for on mainstream radio. To the people who complain that her songs are vain and empty, I say: If you're looking for lyrical or emotional depth, why

I assume you live in a cave.

Wait, are you saying that you weren't shocked by the twist they just pulled of Joe being alive?

Okay, I see your point. I'm just saying by "SoBadIt'sGood" standards, this is some A-level television.

Seriously? This is the best comedy on tv since season 2 of Community.


Some shows are so bad they're good. The Following is so excruciatingly awful it's awesome.

"We have two more scenes to shoot on what has been the grandest, most challenging and most difficult episode of Arrow that we've ever shot. I also think it will be the best. Episode 15… It's called The Promise. Remember this post." Stephen Amell on his Facebook page.

Pretty much, yeah.

You know, when the therapist episode aired, I was crazy excited about this season exploring internal conflict. Jim Campolongo said on twitter that this season would get deeper in the usual "Can Neal change?" question and get into Neal's head more than the preivous seasons. Matt Bomer also said that while the previous

Minuses are made up

Hacky McParentless!

I think you should start watching Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Agreed, but what do you mean "technically" ?

The first four were really good

You don't need to be a nerd to know that, you just need to be older than 12. And I'm always annoyed when Sheldon (the most literal person on the planet) makes that sort of comment, it's not funny AND it's out of character.

Well, as obvious as it was that Rebecca was a baddie (seriously, this episode alone she asked WAY too many questions), I still think the next episodes are gonna be awesome.