
Saw her at the AMAs, I thought it was funny how freaked out she was in her acceptance speech when she won the best new artist award. And damn it, girl can really sing.

I agree that the show's premise is not the redemption of Neal Caffrey. What I said was: "Can Neal change?" is one of the show's recurring themes. Jim Campolongo stated that that's the whole idea behind this season, Neal is being tested. Again, I don't believe Neal is changing into Peter, I don't. I think he was

"Neal is a conman with a heart, a non violent criminal. They have never shown him trying or wanting to be like Peter throughout the series."

I thought she was good at the AMAs and SNL

That's the problem:

Oh yeah, I misunderstood that scene. I suppose she could have known they would do a background check on her and put together a fake file or maybe she really is who she says she is, but still has some hidden agenda. I just don't buy that what we saw of her is suppose to be her actual characterization.

… You are aware that there are different levels of skill both in singing and in dancing, right? I mean, you know that not every female singer in the world is as good as Aretha Franklin and not every female dancer can dance like Anna Pavlova, don't you?

Except that I didn't. The only one who comes actually close to the whole package is Lady Gaga, and I have yet to see how good are her acting skills.

I liked Sara

Something really doesn't feel right about Rebecca. This is the fifth episode featuring her and I still don't feel like we got some consistent character traits presented in an organic and believable way. So she's on board with all the criminal stuff? Why? Most people wouldn't be and it's not like she's been shown to be

Oh, I've been paying attention to the news. The surprise factor made the album sell so much, that does not mean commercial success. First week sales are NOT an indicator of the album's commercial viability.


The main guy, I think

Well, if you look at Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Adele, Rihanna, Mariah Carey and Taylor Swift (did I just mention every relevant popstar right now?), I can't think of a single one of them who can do what she does, that being: being a great singer, an excellent dancer,

This was such a beautiful episode. I also started watching rooting for Jenna and Matty to be together, but in minute 6 I changed my mind and started hoping Jenna would finally be stand on her feet without needing a boy.

You know, these question get a lot less annoying if you can picture the showrunners in front of you screaming "BECAUSE PLOT REASONS" to every question.

As long as we have Hook, I'm good.

I think forced is a strong word to describe it. It is a relationship rather hard to find these days, but a possible one nonetheless. I see Peter and Elizabeth like those couples that get old together and you see them in the park at the age of 60 or something.

Marshall Sahlins?

Fair point. So, selling women aside, Barney is even more inoffensive than I thought.