If they confirm Tillerson then it proves these hearings mean absolutely nothing.
If they confirm Tillerson then it proves these hearings mean absolutely nothing.
But it’s not like facts even matter anymore. It’d probably only slightly impact states that teeter between red and blue now.
So is the deal here that if they catch him outright lying then it’s perjury? Because I don’t really see a point to the confirmations when we already know how demonstrably terrible the nominees all are.
Al Franken sounds like a doctor that’s fondling your testicles. Love the guy but he does. Or maybe he just sounds like my docto- I mean a doctor.
They felt empowered and no longer afraid of counter-litigation and libel because of the publicity surrounding. And there’s something called the statute of limitations and lack of evidence. The later is why sexual harassment is usually settled in a civil court.
Except that they offered ambassadorships to people that could procure a-list entertainment. Ah, the rewriting of history before our very eyes.
Their message was too hamfisted. Much of the nuance of satirical impersonation was lost with Colbert.
All the real progressives and going to the free weed protest where people are gonna be taking advantage of the gift program stipulated in the marijuana legalization bills and handing out free doobies like candy. We’re going to be the obnoxious caricatures that the 100 Trump supporters that could afford to infiltrate…
Weed the weed weed weed, but the weed weed.
To be fair football is a synonym for politics in their warped headspace.
Well at least it appears she dislikes Trump too. Although I’ve really never understood why Hollywood folk voicing their stances is a bad thing. The motion picture industry has been working tirelessly to escape the days when actors were treated like props, but I guess returning to that makes America Great Again?
There goes another job. Thanks Obama.
Guess Burnie bros don’t attend many Broadway shows.
Protesters will outnumber attendees 10:1. I’ve already bought a train ticket and I’m agoraphobic and haven’t left my house in 5 years.
In what world are those two things equivalent. One one hand you have the media’s overconfidence in a witless electorate, and on the other you would have every single intelligence agency and all of it’s members secretly conspiring to perpetuate a lie that serves no one at this point.
The close ties that most of his inner circle has to Russia is more than enough for congress to hold hearings wherein they call in key members of Trump’s campaign and cross-examine them regarding potential collusion. Like a smaller version of Benghazi hahaha.
In short, the highly paid leaders at UW-Madison now believe that Wisconsin mothers and fathers have done a poor job of raising their boys by trying to instill in them the values and characteristics necessary in becoming a Man.
Not to play devil’s advocate: It’d be called “The problem with femininity” and relatively speaking there are problems with it, as there are problems with all labels such as femininity-masculinity to apply to innate animalistic behaviors used to govern our personalities that we should have moved past by the time we…
Nobody has any shame anymore. Protests like this will accomplish nothing. It’ll just be shrugged off since elected officials have enough brainwashed voters to win GOP majorities without relying on positive media attention (which is being delegitimized anyways).
But elected officials should be able to walk into dressing rooms.