The age old GOP strategy: break it, get voted out, claim that the system is broken and only you can fix it, get voted back in as soon as it’s fixed because it wasn’t being fixed fast enough, repeat.
The age old GOP strategy: break it, get voted out, claim that the system is broken and only you can fix it, get voted back in as soon as it’s fixed because it wasn’t being fixed fast enough, repeat.
I can only imagine her 64 year-old white trash neighbor who is living off a bogus worker’s comp claim that probably sent in the “tip” probably got his first erection in 20 years.
Did I ever say he was transparent? No. Because everyone knows that the electorate isn’t nearly intelligent enough to handle a totally transparent government.
“Personal bias”? Does that mean rational thought? Well, professionally I think failed casino owners who’ve inherited money yet have still gone bankrupt several times are incompetents. Culturally I think people who embrace a tawdry circlejerk of American imagery that feed a corporate beast and propagate…
It would’ve lasted 3 days and then shut down because nobody has anything newsworthy to say because Obama is a professional and respects protocol when dealing with sensitive matters that he wouldn’t want leaked.
Great Presidential Quotes:
It’s all about optics. The more digs that reach Trump (and hit him hard), the more his safe space is chipped away at. The breakdown of his psyche will potentially lead to an indisputably impeachable offense.
Bet she thinks he’s a rapper. Like pronounced Da Boyz.
What’s funny is that, by definition, the Standing Rock protesters CAN’T commit terrorism. Terrorism is INDISCRIMINATE. Even if the pipeline was being sabotaged, or police vehicles set aflame, that’s still TARGETED (at the corporations in charge of the pipelines, and at government forces). There is no threat to…
Guess I’m a terrorist now.
I’m shocked even 1% of the population believes him. Actually I’m shocked that even 1% of the population voted for him anyways.
Unrelated but the major attached a functional cyborg penis to herself in one of the novels.
Well, I think Bill would’ve been forced to do stuff as first gentleman in a Hillary Whitehouse. I mean, like most things it’s rooted in sexism but a lot of the goober states still care about the “family values” of their elected officials. Or at least that’s what they say (since this election showed that evangelicals…
I do blame the internet for Trump’s victory and the fact that this judge hasn’t been disbarred.
Steve Bannon is the reaper. Don’t fuck that up.
Heckling him was pretty obnoxious, but his response was more so. It’s like the Seinfeld dude. He didn’t get into deep shit until he responded to the heckler. Bill Maher’s staple of “sit the fuck down you politically-correct hipster” is pretty useful in such situations.
It’s the exact same product of “at least you’re not black” sold to poor white folk to vote republican.
I’ll play devil’s advocate in saying that this is less to do with the typical female slavery thing and more to do with the brainwashing the Christian-right has used to make these idiots identify cell clusters as human beings, and since they can’t outlaw abortion, they’re trying to make the case that their holy sperm…
Virgin births are actually possible through Parthenogenesis so you raise a fair point.