Liquid Ocelot

a central theme of protest is sacrifice. quit your job and go to DC. Sell your clothes for travel expenses. Fighting fascism is THAT important. Our protests don’t work anymore because too many people see it as a hobby. The Standing Rock protesters were able to accomplish something (at first) because they didn’t. It

Btw it’s melanin, melatonin is a compound that is used as a sleep aid.

But the only thing better than a sexy, passionate love affair is a sexy, passionate love affair where both parties want to secretly kill the other. I say that the directors should just nix any romance and focus on pure sexual competition rooted in a deep-seated contempt for each other.

He looks like a washed up KGB agent who’s spent the last 30 years downing Vodka in Siberia.

I’ve actually seen conservatives go into Kellyanne mode and be like:

The craziest thing is that the representative used “fight or flight” (a term straight from Darwin) despite probably toting himself a creationist.

Apples and oranges. I’m offering a way to be more effective. What I was referring to is that we focus spreading awareness only amongst our own ranks when the KKK literally still have 100+ chapters. But no, confronting them is too scary and dangerous, it’s much easier to trash talk a movie for being too white.

I know, that’s all I was thinking. Like, leave your campus and take your rage and aggression to somewhere that will need it soon. Like when Trump orders the standing rock tribe to be fired upon with live ammo.

Nope. And that’s why we need to do it. It’s a little bit of reverse psychology and a little bit of teaching rightwingers at least a kindergarten level of the “treat others the way you want to be treated” rule. Like when a kid breaks his friend’s toy, so you take away his toy.

Sure champ.

Well only New Yorker’s taxes are used if it makes you feel any better. I don’t though. It’d be like if Bumblefuck, Kansas (and ONLY Bumblefuck, Kansas) was forced to pay for increased security during Obama’s vacations. Because Bumblefuck voted 90% McCain/Romney, much in the same vein as NYC who voted 90% Hillary.

It’s because Republicans know that poor nutrition and mind-numbing sugars is in part the reason their voters lack critical thinking abilities and they’re able to get reelected. Shitty food keeps an electorate docile and subdued; easy brainwashing fodder for far-right websites and Fox News.

Well, Russian prostitutes are best in the world. Number 1! So who can blame their marriage for falling apart?

You have no understanding of literally anything and your analogy isn’t even remotely close to what I said. How about bringing your “the inner city needs more guns” debate to the other conservatives. They’ll probably burn you on a cross. Which just goes to show the hypocrisy of “guns will stop gun violence except when

I’m not pulling this outta my ass. The black Panthers policing white neighborhoods with assault rifles in the 80s is what got Ronald Reagan and co. behind passing gun control.

We need to stop this “religious freedom” bullshit by denying services to Christians en masse. Same with the open carry law stuff by getting minorities to utilize it.

Garland or bust.

That’s not enough. Gitmo should be an exclusive black site just for him. Time travelers should castrate his father. He should be forced into a matrix-like virtual reality where he runs for president but loses against a porn star because of his sex scandals.

I bet Trump hasn’t saluted even once since the inauguration