Liquid Ocelot
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She plays for both sides so well. I remember seeing her outrage when someone on Fox said that Obama hates America and thinking “well that’s weird”. The pigs are flying. The Fox pundits are fleeing.

The pope has a lot of sway in countries that aren’t America. But he’s useless to any that can actually change the world. He issued a 200 pg report on how man-made global warming is real and how capitalism is essentially worshipping the dollar (a false idol); and what do you think our good conservative Catholics said?

Headline should’ve read: “Mike Pence uses gubernatorial powers to give Carrier tax breaks in response to a forgotten promise by his running mate” in hindsight.

All the extra “intrigue” that was dredged up into the public spotlight wouldn’t exist without it. Like Benghazi (and the private server) without Hillary Clinton. Watergate without Nixon. All that strange or bizarre shit isn’t really that strange. But she had a media-friendly face so America fell in love with talking

Re-read how I said “epitome”. It’s the accumulation of many factors but the cute little white girl thing is the foundation.

I agree. I am a hero. Thank you for your support.

That beautiful people matter more. That wealthy people matter more. That white people matter more. That little girls matter more. It’s like we’re not even trying to hide it.

That’s not really bizarre though. Happens all the time in our legal system.

Anyone else find it on-the-nose that we’ve spent 20 years obsessing over a cold case just because the victim was the epitome of the classic American ‘cute little white girl’?

2017 = 1967

Would you vote for me if I ran for congress under the premise that I wear a go-pro 24/7 and livestream my tenure for complete transparency? I’ll also make a website so you can make me vote a certain way on each and every bill via direct democracy.

101. Trump legalizes the purge after seeing the movie The Purge.