
I keep reading it as “Polonium”, which is kinda apt actually, since I’d be equally likely to want to touch either.

Yah, knowing basically nothing about Disneyland’s Marvel stuff, I definitely assumed this was about an actual stunt performer that actually died at first. Had to go through a series of “holy shit why is this article being so flippant about this tragedy" before eventually deciding "okay there's no way this is real".

Now playing

I thought this was a scene from “Spiderman: Turn Off The Dark.”

It does at least say “later” in reference to Chicago.

2 Knives 2 Out

Even Amazon admits it’s not just targeting Amazon, but “targeting just a handful of American companies.” There’s nothing legally or Constitutionally wrong with a bill that targets a handful of companies.

Or -- and hear me out, because this is a little wild -- two well-crafted shows can succeed without either of them needing to be a reaction to the other or their audiences.

Donovan was absolutely HORRENDOUS in the early episodes, but he seemed to get the hang of it near the end, though his “lawyer? you’re gonna need a priest!” outburst in the penultimate episode was laughably bad.

You forgot the always popular Too Modern Too Warfare.

This, but in the form of a formidable matriarch-figure who clips him round the back of the head, using whichever hand has the most rings on it, whenever he starts with some damn foolishness. Is Margo Martindale available?

How many episodes did you actually watch though? Based on this description, I’m guessing only the “buzzy” ones like the Cosby or BLM episodes. There were several episodes that were completely character driven - Cynthia’s depression, Joe dealing with the death of his father, Joe having to confess to Cynthia he has a

It’s like whole thing with Walt from Lost.

He punched a 77-year-old man, the man fell down, hit his head, and died as a result. This is textbook manslaughter per Florida statutes: regardless of whether there was a specific intent to kill, it is reasonably foreseeable that punching an old man in face could lead to their death; the fact that the kid was almost

This being Leverage, a “Nate was faking his death all along” plotline isn’t exactly out of the question.

I can only assume that he filed this lawsuit instead of hiring a team of ex-cons to infiltrate the production company, hack its computer system, and release all the details of the negotiation.  The latter only makes for better-than-average TV.

Hey folks. I just wanted to drop in and say thank you to everyone here for all the kind words, and also for reading what I’ve written at The A.V. Club these past nine years. I know I wasn’t always the most consistent presence in the comments, even before the Kinja transition, but I dipped in fairly regularly, and for

six seasons and a reboot!

In many cases (a lot of businesspeople), it’s because giving people who work for them the short end of stick is how they get a bunch of money. If you’re the sort of person who cares about your employees, and about fairness and decency and keeping your word, it’s a lot harder to become insanely rich. Not impossible,