
I own a canoe

TBH, if you find yourself making bitter comments about Hollywood at 3 in the morning on a pop culture website, and making up words like “revaluate” to do so, perhaps it is *you* that needs to take a long hard look in the mirror. You are not exactly in the position to be doling out any life or “profession” advice.

wherein saintly white people come along to magically improve the lives of downtrodden minorities who can’t take care of themselves, see also: Green Book).

“I’m worried about the kids going to the bus stop. They’re gonna be walking down this road with these big trucks you saw going by, and people flying in and out to go to the car wash

Honestly I think it’s a terrible idea to put in a high-speed car wash where you have to drive through at 60mph, it just seems a little dangerous

Boots Riley faced the same kind of criticism for distributing his upcoming tv show through Amazon.

I didn’t hate it, I just don’t know if you can call something a “comedy” show if the main purpose or intent of the substantive content isn’t to make people laugh. I won’t argue against people whossay she’s a skilled performer, masterfully juggles tension, or that she can be funny when she wants to be—I’m just saying

I dunno, to me that’s where it gets way more interesting from a game design perspective.
For what it’s worth I don’t think they’re saying Link is some sort of imperialist, or that you’re a bad person for liking the game (it’s rad as hell, you should love it), they’re just pointing out how ingrained ideas in society

We knew it was a sham operation by the noted absence of Detlef Schrempf.

I thought Entertainment 360 closed down after Tom and Jean Ralphio spent all their money. 

“Grab ‘em by the Pisces.”

On the other hand, if some (non-sex-related) company wants to tone down the sexiness of their mascot, they should be allowed to do it without people losing their minds.

The Man with the Golden Bun

I think some of the goal here was actually to establish that Riri is not an Iron Man character, and that her development as a hero has more to do with Shuri and others in Wakanda.  Some of the desire to do it that way may come from the desire to have a black heroine’s chief inspirations also be black.  Some of it may

Go ahead and take your star(burns).

I got a MeowMeowBeenz notification for this?

“This movie was produced in a facility that also manufactures Ana de Armas products, and some traces of Ana de Armas may remain.”

An exclamation when you see a piece of fruit: Oh! Pear!

Johnson reluctantly admits that Blanc’s accent is “based mostly on Shelby Foote

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