
I’m not trans and so I know my opinion here carries less weight.

From the outside looking in, the anger over “deadnaming” partially undermines fundamental acceptance of the trans community.

I’m old enough to remember intense nature vs. nurture debates around homosexuality and a time when saying anything BUT

From the word go, Call of Duty was always the slightly creepier, more jingoistic take on ‘historic’ AAA shooters. Early on, it was likely just a way to distinguish itself from Medal of Honor’s more Spielbergian approach to identical subject matter. But as time’s gone on and Call of Duty delved into more contemporary

Re: your first paragraph, the interesting thing is that super hero stories probably do need authority figures, but they mostly have to be impotent or incompetent as well. If police in the Marvel universe were able to combat the crime that they faced, there would be no need for super heroes to exist.

I read that as him putting up retaining walls as a side gig.

22 episodes of people going “Did you hear? Mom’s doin’ ‘The Jackal!’”

Mom Season 7: Every episode is now just Allion Janney doing “The Jackal.”

Reminds me of Bill Hicks’ routine about the Rodney King trial:

Just want to say I love the word rumination and I commend you for using it.

From the article: “It should be clarified that, at no point when we are talking about this does it seem like Massoud is whining or complaining or is in any way ungrateful.” 

I take it you weren’t a MoviePass member, then?

DEADSPIN FOREVER!!!!!!!!! Oh Fuck R Kelly.

[buzzers in]

What do you expect? None of them are from China where the NBA is owned.

The answer was literally The Answer this time. 


“And when I say brother, I don’t mean it like an actual brother, but in the way that black people use it. Which I think is more meaningful.”

Yeah but damn man, at least get your hands up when he turns and faces you for like two full seconds while obviously not looking to get past you on the dribble. That video is so funny. I love watching Jokic, he’s so good and its hilarious in the best way

Let’s see. Veyron price ~ $3400000. 340 * 2 = $780/month. Nice!