
Now this is some low brow humor.

Boban was created in the late 90s after NBA Live restricted the ratings you could give someone in Create-a-Player but before they restricted the size you make someone to human dimensions.

Umpire: That’s it! Yer outta here!

Yes, out of context, it’s a fairly innocuous statement. That’s precisely what makes it dangerous.

Deadspin sure likes to talk a big game and get on its high horse but deep down you know they’re just jealous of the way Barstool has disrupted the online game by...*checks notes* having pictures of girls in bikinis.

I look down on both games. I’m already onto the next big thing. A battle royale game where your only weapon is the merciless surgical precision of interpretive dance.

What? Where?

“Liberty, a school whose motto is ‘Champions for Christ’”

Mitchell responded, “Well, I don’t know.”

here’s me, feeling bad that a team with a shitty fanbase probably won’t have a chance this to win their eighteenth NBA title this year

“We need to stay out of politics. That’s been my message.”

I’m so angry I’m shaking. I see this garbage in Mn. as well. When the natives around Mille Lacs insisted on their legal rights, all the bigots went crazy. It always makes me think of the saying, “People always hate those they’ve wronged.”

...having a car engined car feels like a mistake at that moment.

wait until you visit San Francisco 

Apparently his decision for fixing the racism problem was getting rid of the non white kids, which is so evil if it were in a script it would be thrown out for being unrealistic.

South Dakota is easily the most racist place I’ve ever lived. The contempt the entire state has for the native population is simply unfathomable. Nothing described here is out of the ordinary, it’s really the way just about everyone talks about and to Native Americans. The last time I visited was in 2008 when BHO was

Yes, but you also live in Canada, a country that has treated it’s indigenous populations much better on the whole than the US has. Canada respects its Natives so much they don’t even refer to them as Native Canadians, they call them First Nations. So I’m not surprised that the Six Nations teams play with aggression

Headline should be:

Now playing

Or Britta Perry’s torrid romance with Subway on Community: