
After the ejection, Devin Kurant went on Instagram to say that the no-call was bullshit and Kevin is very handsome.

At least they’re following the rhythm. Many white people seem to more or less clap randomly.

I only clap on the 4 to give it more emphasis.

As a matter of principle, I do not like generalizations. However, this is beautiful.


i once went to an Opeth show. Lots of white people, but white people who I would assume understand and appreciate complexity in their music, as Opeth is a progressive, technical metal band.

Now playing

I tend to like a lot of bands that use odd time, and then figuring out how to use my BLACK RHYTHM POWERS to make the nodding/clapping work. I think (think being the operative word) this song is in 11/4, so I tend to treat the 1 and 3 as downbeats, then follow 2 and 4 for the following sets of 4.

He’s no Gammons

The complete list of times when it’s appropriate for a white person to use the N-Word:

“Sure they were all technically doing what the headline said but aren’t you to blame for all of my inferrences?”

Holly Holm once knocked her into next week and she certainly doesn’t want to experience that again.

+1 quick brown fox

Krzyzewski, like every other men’s basketball coach and athletic director in Division I, is the NCAA.

Portandia is ending without overstaying its welcome’

I think you’re on to something...

How many white guys do you know named Vivek? He’s Indian.

They certainly are clever girls, though.

“So what can you do? Well, of course be aware that this is happening. If it’s possible, hire a “fee-only” planner to advise you on your investments.”

The Republican argument against the Fiduciary Rule is that it would make it hard for lower income people to see a financial planner.

CPAs! CPAs have a fiduciary duty!! Don’t forget about us!!