
Chriss cross because he can’t jump jump.

The Phoenix Nah, Sons

There’s nobody I’d rather go to war with than IT.

He’s not entirely wrong. Police departments all over the country are underfunded and severely understaffed. Not enough qualified candidates are applying (can’t imagine why!) and the money isn’t there to hire them even if they do. Some states have police officers serving in high schools, some don’t. People are

Bulls On Sharade

The early bird is worth two worms in the bush.

I suppose, but you can’t judge a book by its sliced bread.

Calipari boasting about his one-and-done success is the exact same thing as the JD Power Award for Initial Quality™.

Is it wrong that I immediately thought of Goatse?

Seeing a black woman hate on Bruno Mars while using a Japanese handle that means “I love you” should be a textbook example of the word irony.

Jokic giving his cue looks exactly like Nick Gries when people would bust his balls for saying “we have 29 school days left not counting ‘morial day.” I realize that no one knows who Nick Gries is, as it’s someone I went to grade school with. Just know, Nick Gries looked exactly like that when you would bust his balls

“This is cocaine! Kill him!”

that old first-generation Pixel you have lying around somewhere.

A. Starr is not wrong about her reaction if they ambushed her or not.
B. You didn’t get the job due to possibly problematic interactions with the client.
C. If this wasn’t meant to be an ambush, why not just have the model call-in? Oh yea because you wanted the conflict/drama.
D. The answer Starr should have given was,

This makes me feel even worse, as a Mexican guy whose Spanish sounds like Brad Pitt adding “-o” at the end of every word in “The Mexican”.

Spanish speaking countries are great places for serving missions because you can usually find Jesus

Shut up and take my money

Take that, Huey Lewis!

Let’s not be too quick to judge Ms. DeVos. Maybe her plan was to meet with three people, then each of those people would meet with three more people, and so on and so on.

I know writers who use subtext and they’re all cowards.