
Guns don’t kill people, a cascading series of deterministic events beginning with the Big Bang kills people - American Heritage and Pride Physics Association.

“Process? We takin bout process? Process? Not a game. We talking bout process. We talkin bout process.”

They should make Call of Duty:Black Cops about a group of black policemen that have to take down the corrupt racist cops in their precinct. Then we can all have confusing conversations with each other about which Call of Duty we are talking about.

As part of the promotion, Austin Rivers will bumble around the court in solidarity.

Oh, you were talking about basketball. I was just referring to noted athletic failures of which Cleveland has more than one.

What a payoff. A+ for you.

Initial reaction: “What are you talking about? The school still gets money and exposure from their tournament appearance, and what does a 3-1 lead have to do with anything?”

I always loved it when NCAA administrators and apologist would defend not paying players by doing the whole, “who gets what? Do we pay a fencer the same as a football player.” Their argument basically boils down to: “too complicated, why bother.” These are the same people who love showing off their degrees and would

Shot half fultz?

I still see a small hitch, but the only way to truly get rid of it is put this kid on the court. Not in the NBA, in my rec league. Seriously, we need the help and we need guys who are committed and will show up every week....damnit I’m sick of forefeiting because Kevin is hosting a craft beer tasting get together or

“...and the US needs to go BACK BACK BACK BACK BACK BACK to segregation”

Fantasy scenario: Spurs are somehow able to just barely hold on to the #8 seed. They then Kawhi & Aldridge back just in time and take out the Rockets in the first round.

The lesson, as always: Never run.

Plus he’d eat it. You have to admire the willingness to constructively deal with your own mess.

914: Consommé

I’d rather have the flight delayed, and then canceled, and then the pilot quits, and then the airline goes out of business, and then the airport shuts down, and then all flights are grounded, and then humans lose the knowledge necessary for mechanical flight, than be on a barf plane.

By the way, Barf was on the Space Winnebago, not a plane:

Shouldn’t “getting hit by a car” be replaced with “getting hit by a can” in this instance?

NBA Injury Report: Cleveland Cavaliers