
if they want me to fucking tune in and watch football they had better fucking hire lars von trier to make a 30 minute ad spot of Willem Dafoe weeping oil black tears while dissecting a panther and wearing a Pope outfit and in the background the entire Dave Matthews Band is shackled to a wall and being sprayed with

I heard one time about a mechanic who accidentally got some brake fluid in his mouth, and realized he liked the taste. It started a little bit at a time, but a couple of weeks later, he was drinking four or five bottles a day, having developed a preference for DOT 3. His friends and coworkers held an intervention to

Can we move on from the pats and deflating already?

He hates Mel.

First rule of Concussion Club....

Disgusting. As soon as my team stops being good, I’m giving serious consideration to not watching as much.

I would have described it as a pleasant baritone!

It’s really nice to hear privileged people acknowledge and own their privilege, and make an effort to see things from other, less privileged viewpoints.

Now playing

The wall Stan wants to form I am all for

Obviously Raptors can’t shoot with those tiny arms.

+8 (miles)


This has been your daily dose of White People’s opinions. Do not operate heavy machinery while under the influence of White People’s opinions. Do not mix alcohol in excess with White People’s opinions. If you exceed your daily does of White People’s opinions, induce vomiting.

Troops the flag my grandfather patriot disrespectful entitled this country United States football freedom black lives matter kneeling voting

Part of me wonders if this election might be where the superlatives finally stop. “This is the wors- wait, no, 2016 was the worst election ever. This one actually ain’t too bad.”

The 2016 election is what a Mel Brooks movie would look like in a universe without laughter.

So vulgarity got the Wall rejected out of hand.

All part of the new game show Win Marc Stein’s Credentials.

This. I’ve worked hundreds of weddings in my career and the only bad ones are the ones in which people have rigid, inflexible ideas about what constitutes a proper or traditional wedding. So many people have no idea there are traditions other than their own and there is any need to accommodate other people or just

I am pretty sure that what you just described is known, in legal parlance, as “exigent circumstances”.