
[insert dickpunching joke here]


Who has witnessed his team actually win a world series. Plus he doesn’t have to associate with Cubs fans, which is a positive even if he didn’t get to enjoy watching his team win the WS.

It was even worse when he was on the mound and it was dripping all over the place.

It’s gonna be even worse when a line drive comes back at him and his finger flies off in a mist of blood on live tv.

I’m squeamish, but I think this is okay. Just looks like a huge scab, and it’s not zoomed in.

This is the nagging (sorry) problem I have with the drumbeat of “Believe Women”: yes, we need to get out of the habit of automatically disbelieving women who declare themselves to be the victim of rape, but at the same time we have a system of criminal justice that presumes innocence. I’d say that the presumption of

Poor jumper, the balls that it took to make this jump are now shattered by the impact of hitting the water

Pete Carrol: “I didn’t the issue in what occurred or didn’t because the game ended correctly. In my understanding of football every game ends in a failed pass attempt.”

Is he ehhhhhh.......shooting a bowling ball here?

Seems that way. Mega Ran doesn’t that upset. He’s having fun with it. I don’t think we’re even at Roxanne’s Revenge levels of animosity.

when i’m feelin’ down i have bomb ices

I know Jesus too. He drives an older Nissan pick-up truck, filled with lawnmowers, hedge clippers, and weedwhackers. Jesus mows and manicures my mum’s lawn once a month. Muchas gracias, Jesus.

Westbrook all like:

This is the correct answer to the problem. My The bank’s property does not get to determine whether I live or die, not for orphans, not for priests, not for the president.

Whoa dude, I think your nerdcore diss track needs a little work. No flow

Heh Heh...

Toyota: Let’s Go Places We Shouldn’t

One is for Ramming, one is for Dodging.