
“Hey, where’s the most appropriate place to post this now that we don’t have a news site?”.

Trump is effectively employing a brilliant technique with the media:

Oyez? More like oy vey!

Getting tackled by a girl is nothing to be ashamed of. Now getting tackled by a kicker...

Title NEIN

the memory loss will YYUUUGE! The most beautiful loss of cognitive function the world has ever seen. EVER!

Come to think of it, has anyone ever seen Trump and Gary Busey in the same place at the same time?

“Can I tell you about why you should root for the Cubs? Sure. It is VERY hot in this room.”

Counterpoint: Don’t.

I call bullshit.

Thanks for another reason for me not to root for the Cubs.

I’m rooting for a Cubs-Indians series, because that is a sign of the end of days. It probably means Trump wins in November, but I’ll take that as a trade.

He’s channeling his inner Garth Brooks.

Oh, you’re talking about dames. Yeah, that works fine with dames and broads.

“Inadvertently ingest cocaine while kissing a woman solicited for sex on Craigslist the night before the olympic trials..” - also Rob Ford’s Make-a-Wish request.

+1 D.A.I.S.Y

They’re probably on scholarship. The scholarship however is probably about the amount that it costs to be in the band.

I remember being in pep band at a D3 school and getting paid $30 for every game (so $60 on doubleheader Saturdays) and I always felt bad because we were still making more money than the athletes when like 80% didn’t want to be there.