
Real question. Swimsuit issue notwithstanding, was the Football Phone the last thing Sports Illustrated did that meant anything? Sports Illustrated peaked with a corded fucking phone!

Good thing Torry Holt is retired or who knows what kind of hell would have broken loose.

That joke works one two different levels.

Really dumb; have star.

*wide receiver makes dramatic dive into stands after catching pass thrown straight into his numbers.*

Perfect opportunity now for him to change his name to Metatarsal World Peace.

Umm...there are people who don’t think the Clapper was real?

My favorite moment of his was going to the Islamic Center of Washington DC right after 9/11, and told anyone who wanted to discriminate against Muslims in America as retaliation to diplomatically fuck off. Even as a Democrat, mad respect for reaching across the aisle. Here’s the full transcript for anyone who’s never

They had to keep their cars cool, see, because they had just pulled over...MORGAN FAIRCHILD! Yeah, that’s the ticket!

That’s how small ball works. The larger players you have, the smaller the ball looks.

three centers, one giant trench coat. problem solved.

Concentric Centers?

in memoriam, all flags will be flown at half mast\half lemonade.

Does.... does this mean that anything is no longer possible?

Or a curt response.

I’ve never experienced racism. Therefore it doesn’t exist.

I get why you guys are angry about what this dude tweeted, but he’s kind of right, no?

He’s not at all bothered by this. Now he can devote more time to his start up video game company.

There’s nothing wrong with being conservative, but there is plenty wrong with supporting the candidacy of a narcissistic bigot and associating with a group known for bigotry, sexism, and harassment.
