
I watched their entire game against the Rams last week... reading the Avril, Bennett, and Baldwin quotes above is a much faster way to see three good points from the Seahawks.

“Those are some very attractive white robes you’re wearing, Mr. Clevenger”

“ I assume they mean white athletes besides Colin Kaepernick.”
-Rodney Harrison

The bell tolls for thee, Tomi Lahren

No kidding. Sports *again*?!

Over my dead body.....

introducing “Stick to Sports”: The Person

Gotta love how Cohn took over the room by repeatedly insisting that Kaepernick took over the room.

Perhaps they’re embarassed that it was shot in portrait mode instead of landscape??? Imagine all the crap they’d take on these message boards if it were portrait!!

I don’t see the f or the a. Will keep looking.

For a university in what is one of the most historically racially divided cities in the US, the choice to make the face two-toned is curious... not to mention having the white side’s eye closed and the darker’s open.

Obsessive piano playing and fixating on an object are common symptoms of kids with a Taipei personality.

When you’re mom’s all like “I don’t want you buying a motorcycle Timmy, they’re not safe” and you buy one anyways, so she runs you over just to prove a point.

To be honest, I think what they did here is odious. If they keep protesting on friday nights, I bet they’ll take a lot of shit for it back in class and grow to really hate Mondays. If I were a student there I would think they should flush their protest right down the Jon. I’m sick and tired of the division in this

The no-faced Twitter clowns don’t even realize they’re re-enforcing what Kaepernick and these kids are kneeling for

Okay, enough is enough. This is getting out of hand. Something needs to be done about this terrible trend that’s spreading across our nation’s sports teams. That coach should be fired. You can’t support something “110 percent.” Gah!

Nuance is not often a noted feature of typical ‘Murican’s intellect.

Ah yes, Joe Pa was framed by all the people who hated him before the scandal broke. People like... Barry Switzer, I guess?

Would you call it corn on the macabre?

I sort of wish that a company made a difficulty called “Literally Impossible” and then made the game actually literally impossible.