
Zero Sense or Sensibility

Dyed and Prejudice by Emily Austen

“Methodology flawed; why are we discussing this?”

-Prof. A. Iverson, University of Pennsylvania, Reader for original paper

I think you’re exaggerating. I’ve been to DC lots of times and I’ve never been able to find a street parking place downtown.

2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because

Reason #4,191,018 to not be president: you’ve got to to get you itinerary approved by every message board poster and Gawker commenter before setting your Out Of Office.

The defense even looks similar, if you use you iMaginot-ation.

Not even fifth best. The fifth best team in the West, the Blazers, gave the Warriors a much better series than the Cavs have so far.

-urrrneko. They were saying Boooourrrneko.

“He must complete a series of tasks with increasing levels of physical exertion, and he must be determined to be symptom free after each task.”

These are not like things. O.J. Simpson “beat the government” in the sense that a woefully incompetent district attorney’s office failed to compel 12 people to find him guilty based on the evidence submitted in court? That’s not beating the government. It may be injustice, but it doesn’t rise to the level of what

The most popular man in the world, the greatest in sport, voluntarily lost it all to stand up for what he believed in.

We are all blessed to have seen him.


Oregon over Ohio State, 2015 championship. I hate knowing that if the Ducks can’t win a title with probably the greatest QB that they’ll ever have, they probably never will.

“I will see him in the Congo this summer so him and I will talk back home with nobody around us.”

It’s a shame Biyombo wears number 8, ‘cause if he wore number 5 I had a whole slew of increasingly terrible Lou Bega jokes ready to go.

I’m a casual Warriors fan and hope they win the series, but let’s remember Westbrook is the dude who finished out a game with a fucking dent in his face. I’m not about to take that dude on about flopping.

(Those on-field anthems aren’t always live.)