
If Green plays in Game 4 and the Warriors eventually take the series, the “This league is fixed!” shouts may never stop coming from Oklahoma City.

Hands up, don’t boot.

He’s a high school football coach encouraging his star player to get his grades up.

He also has a habit of telling people “Not in my house”, yet he lets a LOT of people in his house. The dude is shady.

Trump has already dispatched his crack team of birth certificate investigators to Cuba.

I was pleasantly surprised at how well Howard came off in that interview. Both intelligent and honest. My biggest issue with him has always been how fake he seems, but that Dwight wasn’t on display. Really shifted my viewpoint on who he is as a person.

If Tim and David did a movie together it wouldn’t be a buddy cop movie, but rather a film about two City Inspectors enforcing zoning codes and building regulations.

He’s only playing so long to pay off his massive student loan debt. Four full years of tuition at Wake Forest. Yeesh.

That’s the voice of a man who carries a cell phone on his belt.

Unfortunately for OKC fans, they might need to wait until the end of the season to see Durant Hulk out.

So when are you going to post the results?

As if the 14,000 Kinja Deals I have to scroll through aren’t proof enough, Tom comes right out and admits that he is For Sale.

Walker got his 23 a game in this series, but it took him 22 shots per to do it.

This is why Nate Dogg sang on his tracks.

“Cry, me”

My girlfriends grandfather once asked me if I had a cock. I told him yes and sat there for a full minute awkwardly making minimal eye contact. He got up and brought back a Coke. That language barrier can fuck up any conversation.

I lucked into some baseline seating at the game last night and it was really obvious how hurt Griffin was. When he wasn’t playing he was grimacing a ton and had a giant icepack on his leg. JJ Redick seemed to be struggling with his foot too. Oh and Doc was yelling at Austin and it was up to Paul Pierce and tiny

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