
Caught the whole thing right Deron video.

Paul: Hey Kevin, do you prefer The Durantula or KD?

$55 million is just an estimate. They actually awarded her points.

Hopefully, that means we are one step closer to Joust becoming a reality.

Two cyclists being chased by an ostrich... tagged on Jalopnik as a "target-rich environment."

Which Kemp Jr? Aren’t there around 30 of them?

Ball don’t lie.

Somehow i don’t think this is what Chuck had in mind:

Terminator X would be an awesome weatherman, he speaks with his hands.

Don't care who gives the weather report, you can't truss it.

Who better to tell you about today’s high?

“Flash Seats”, eh? Fitting, considering how many are left naked each night.

In all fairness, they just heard him try to say, “It’s Kam!” through the muffled glass and they assumed he meant Newton.

Seattle residents are terrified of Cam after reading all those strongly worded letters.

You got Savannah Smiles, Do-si-dos, Rah-Rah Raisins, Samoas, Trefoils, Tagalongs, and the fan favorite: Thin Mints.

“Capt Balderrama: McClendon went left of center traveling at a high rate of speed, collided into bridge wall, car engulfed in flames @NewsOK”

I am a man repossessed!

My husband said it was the look he and his sister had when the pastor had a that's what she said during the sermon.

Fordham is in the Empire State, Tim.

You may have some deeply rooted belief that you dont deserve nice things.

Coaches have learned their lesson about leaving Damian Lillard off the All-Star team. They got up this morning and marked next year’s ballot in advance.