
It is a subtle criticism of today’s military. Both the army and navy have focused training and weapons development on desert and warm ocean warfare since the end of the Cold War, which military experts believed would be fought in Eastern Europe and the USSR.

Well, it should be no surprise considering all the wide-open uncontested looks they get. It’s not like they’ll draw a charge or anything.

It was all fun and games until one of the kids challenged him to a game of “Pig.”

Who here has sex that goes to OT? I can’t relate to this analogy.

Now playing

One of the most “I almost watched a guy die” moments. Another one was Marcus Camby taking a swing at Danny Ferry. He missed and hit Jeff Van Gundy, but a direct hit on Ferry would have been death.

“Give that guy a Red Bull!”

Shaq’s favorite coach: Mo Cheeks

Pretty adorable in the classroom, but I bet it got awkward at recess when he was the last one picked for kickball.

PS Whatever sports PR genius developed the “dodging easily anticipated questions by giving gormless, unrelated answers” protocol gets the gasface.

Not anymore. She switched classes.

I feel like Dame, Curry, Westbrook, and Kyrie should just be grandfathered into the All-Star Game for enjoyment’s sake.

Quick story!

This sticker is obstructive and dangerous but I do love Fig Newtons - Ricky Bobby

It always sucks when a player gets blamed for a loss in the final seconds of a game as if the first 59 minutes didn’t matter. I know that it’s his job to kick routine field goals at a high percentage rate, but it’s also the job of the offense to score more than exactly 0 points throughout the rest of the game.

I have absolutely nothing against the Vikings or their fans, and in fact wish they’d won this game, but I’m deeply looking forward to Deadspin getting their hands on some cell phone vids from Vikings bars on this play.

Normally, when I read “hair pull,” “buttcatch,” and “Roethlisberger,” I assume I’m reading a police report.

Glad you guys posted this. I forgot to record Fiwst Take yesterday.

Sure she’s roasting the Rams, but there’s mutton she can do about it now.