
Matt Damon will portray Lynch in the forthcoming film about the Seahawks running back, The Marshawn.

Lauren explained that she and Bobby had been moved by a Radiolab podcast about the transformation of the butterfly in chrysalis, which resonated with them in terms of the transformation that marriage would bring to their relationship.

“Napoleon Dy-no-mite!”

“Asinine? I mean, that’s all well and good, but what about her face?”

Mark Jackson responded, “While I disagree with his statements, I have a lot of respect for Bob as a veteran writer for one of our oldest newspapers. I feel like the globe has been around for 6,000 years.”

I’ve argued that, actually, Kanye’s a better lyricist than Kendrick Lamar.

Hold on, what’s the difference between a “jamoke” and a “jabroni”? Is it similar to the “schlemiel/schlimazel” dichotomy?

The good news is that even if the Suns were to implode, it would take a while before anyone on Earth noticed it.

I’m from Philly. I’ve been through adversity my whole life.

I’m with this article to the last two paragraphs, which seem kind of nutty (“clairvoyant optimism”?). We can ask our public figures to be courageous, even if it’s a high standard, but that’s not what’s happening. As noted, LeBron acting wouldn’t accomplish anything for the underlying causes. It would only further

If archery ends in a stalemate, is that a bow tie?

Literal conversation yesterday:
Me - *reads news ticker* Huh...George Pataki dropped out of the presidential race.”
Wife - “Who?”
Me - “A guy...I guess, who was running for president and is now not?”
Wife - “Well, good for him.”

Board of Trustees: We have to do something about our commitment to the athletes. We at least owe them a guaranteed four year education. The contracts and scholarships we give them now aren't worth the paper they're printed on.

This play was Too Short for that.

I hear Glenn Consor is difficult to share a booth with. Everything has to be in juuust the right place or he throws a fit. Tidiness is real important to him. He’s really anal about it.

I’d like to ass him a few questions about this.

He was going to pass on this, but he didn’t know how.

Meanwhile, the quack doctor who spent years trying to discredit and downplay football’s connection to brain trauma is still drawing a paycheck

This is the very definition of ‘damning with faint praise.’