
You kiss your mother with that filthy mouth? Go swirl a bit of dishsoap, eat a tidepod and try again please. You can take that language, roll it up and stick in your urethra, thanks.

>I have no clue what this particular game is

Not sure if I’m looking at sexism, can someone get Anita Sarkeesian in on this review?

Zarya: I’ll tell you my secret-if you give me your coat.

Haha! She’s a Trump supporter! Take that coat! Build that (particle) wall! All of a sudden I like her a little bit better!

The rhythm is off.

Like it’s so inconsequential that three different women on three separate occasions had these experiences.

>How would you react to Male dancers at an event like this?

Eskynet cabron.

lol, clearly this is not for you then! Stick to your xbox controller B.

Playing from the couch, on a steambox.

You know both spellings of gre(a)y are correct right? =) Secretly, he already has your number B.

Yikes, call off your dog bro, the dude isn’t exactly wrong...

There are a few going right now.

True, it turns out it was just another facet in the civil war that’s raging for the soul of the left wing in the United States and increasingly in other western nations against regressive Authoritarians.