
While the network and computers are held up by our UPS's, I fire up the generator, throw the backed-up circuit switch over to the generator, which not only powers the UPS's but also the ham radio shack, our fishtanks, refrigerator and furnace. Then I can continue working. The system will support up to several days,

QLAB: "You failed to actually address the main point of my post which is that you CAN be anonymous on Google+"

Hey, stuck in Libya, want to get out, but still have Internet? Great! Just join Google+, put your Real Name in there, and wait for the government thugs to come get you. Or the rebel thugs! Remember, its 100% ok, because Google can sell your statistics to the highest bidder. Real Names are Golden!

QLAB said "Crying about Google or Facebook forcing these things is the wrong approach. Removing the USG's ability to gain access to it is the right approach. "

QLAB; "Butternuts" is obvious and detectable by software. Leroy Mcdougal is neither. That's the difference. However, if butternuts is the name you go by, then it is useful to you, and those you might want to find you; leroy mcdougal, however, presuming you made it up to bypass the TOS, isn't. Also, if you wish to hide

Skip #1, "just quit" — that is stupendously stupid advice of the stupidrific kind.

Good for you, Giz. Kudos for standing up for anonymity, an important cornerstone of both freedom of speech and freedom of association. "Real Name" as policy wields enormous potential to damage society, ostracizing and marginalizing people who might very well make important social use of communications otherwise denied

What a great post.

Jeremiah, the 4/3rds sensor is 255 square mm. The Canon APS-C sensor (T3i, etc.) is 329 square mm. The Pentax, Sony and Nikon version is 370 square mm. This is not "almost the same", but a 22-30% difference. That's a **huge** advantage in terms of noise susceptibility, dynamic range, and ultimate well size for

None of these changes actually help. First of all, you can have close to the same effect by simply maximizing your window. Secondly, you can have actual single-tasking, that is, the system not interrupting your work or concentration, by simply shutting down apps that might enable such behavior: skype, im, etc. There's

At the price we're talking here, nearly a grand, a Canon T3i will slaughter these tiny sensors, performance wise, lens availability, noise, etc. Even on price. 4/3rds is outright silly if the point is good imaging. If the point is portability, you're giving up too much in my opinion, but then again, I'm all about the


Capital One and Discover are both vicious, predatory companies with strongly anti-consumer policies. Doing business with either one — under any circumstances — is counter-indicated. The net is full of horror stories, just Google these companies to see how badly they treat customers.

They're not targeting anyone. This is a paste-on feature without any merit at all; it's as bad an idea as a one button mouse, a chiclet keyboard, a single menu for all apps, resize only from the corner, failure to obey first click in a window... in other words, someone powerful at Apple had a bad idea, there is no

What Maurice said. Also, what court is this that actually rules in *favor* of what the constitution says?

.aaaaaand the answer is... none. Stack 'em high, that's the rule in US prisons.

text is regretfully devoid of nuance, isn't it? :)

Not really... one particular sexual act requires protection in order to avoid contraception, unless your partner or you are sterile. Many other acts can be substituted at zero cost, yet still incorporate excellent entertainment and extreme intimacy. And many other intimate acts — everything from kissing to sharing a

Sure, I'll explain. I've got six monitors. Put an app in full screen modal, and five of my monitors instantly become useless. Even on the one that remains (the one in full screen mode), there are no windows, so my access to everything else from incoming instant messages to newsfeeds to my SDR (radio) application and

The main high zoom shooting tips you need: Use a tripod if you can; use the highest shutter speed you can; use the widest aperture you can; use the highest ISO you can tolerate; either shoot with an electronic remote or use a delayed shutter in order to not shake the camera. Mirror lock-up isn't a bad idea either.