
Worse yet, sandboxing means apps can't get at one another's data, we lose PPC emulation for no reason at all, there's no physical media for the upgrade... it's like OS X for children. What a shame.

No. You CAN brickwall audio on vinyl. The thing is, for any vinyl made during its heyday, they simply didn't. And I doubt they do today, either, because any engineer worth the name knows exactly what it is about those old LPs that made them sound good — and it has zero to do with the recording surface.

Almost, but not quite.

Except that vanilla vs. chocolate is subjective; depends on your taste buds. CDs actually perform measurably better than vinyl does, hands down. No matter what your subjective aural characterization is, a CD can give you more of it — as long as we're talking about reproducing music accurately as the metric (a CD

Vinyl has exactly two real advantages over CDs.

Looks like an RFI nightmare, too. Has the owner taken a survey of radio reception among the neighbors? I strongly suspect that whole assembly needs to be wrapped in copper screening.

Adium's sounds have been broken for many months under OS X 10.6 with no update from the developers. No sound when messages come in, no sound when people sign on or off... I couldn't recommend it at this time.

Here, enjoy:

I"m not offended at all, except by how ridiculous that poor woman's underwear was. Does the "new sexy" consist of dressing up in great-great grandma's high-water panties?

Tincta requires Snow Leopard; OSX 10.6; so don't think you can use it just anywhere. The (approx) 30% of Mac users still using Leopard are locked out.

Ok, I'm going to pass along a little gem from my father; he told me this when I was about 12. He said: "If you swear constantly, you'll have nothing effective to use when you really want to make your point, express your anger, or just let off steam." It made sense to me then, and it still makes sense to me today. I

Have they fixed the broken wifi sync yet? Hasn't worked since day one, and not just for me... Apple forums are full of people with same problem. Not to mention all the apps that crash now or won't even start, the notifications that don't clear, the supremely annoying "bookshelf", and the lack of the feature we need

Nice. Note to iPad owners: it says its compatible, but what that *means* is it is 1/4 screen size and you get to press the 2x graphics scaler button in order for it to fit the iPad display. It doesn't actually pay proper attention to the available resolution. Otherwise, works fine.

The problem with flying is not the aircraft. The problem with flying is the TSA and the mindset behind them.

Or go with Mac/OSX. No defragging required... the operating system takes care of that for you. One of the many things I like about it.

The problem is that Google is leveraging the Gaussian. They essentially rank sites based on (link-to) popularity; but the majority of people are clustered about 100 IQ, and they don't make great linking choices; as long experience shows, they dependably make mediocre ones. Google, in its turn, hands us those choices

On average, half of every day is spent in darkness. These lenses are too slow. Wake me up when there are f/1.4 (or faster) options. In the meantime, APS-C and FF cameras will continue to dominate. [slaps 85mm f/1.2L on 5dmkII and wanders off]

Nothing scary about it; they can't get here from there,.

We terminated Netflix's DVD/BD rental side after the delivery times from our local distribution center went from one day... to two days... and finally to three. Basically, the longer turnaround times changed the price per month to number of DVD/BDs per month ratio until it became less favorable than local rental.

THIS is what is wrong with 99.9999% of all wedding photos. They are posed, completely falsified "records" of what went on. "Professional" wedding photographers specialize in selling you images of what amounts to an essentially fictional relationship event.