
Completely agree with the other two posters. In addition, see the beautiful photos in this collection of tens of thousands taken with the lens:

#2 tip: Don't have kids. Having kids is the most destructive financial move you can make.

You could say I'm a power user. Six monitors, 8-core mac pro, software developer, heavy DSLR user. I own an iPad, and I like it - to play games on, to check my email, to do a few other things here and there. It's a terrific e-reader (with the Kindle app) and I use it for media (audio, video) as well. But it isn't a

Full screen modal operation for OSX is a disaster. A complete, full-on, idiot-driven disaster. Luckily for me, Leopard is sufficient for my needs.

hmm. You may have married the wrong person. When I showed these to my lady, her response was "so when do I get mine?" That whole "dying inside thing", that's actually not something you want to incorporate in a relationship.

FireFox's incredibly large, long-term memory leaks have made it a second choice for me, after quite a long time as first choice. Adding features when your app is leaking, broken or otherwise "not ready for prime time" is a prime indicator of developers who are a lot less good at their jobs than they think they are -

Pillowthing: $15. Mouth-breathing in a public bathroom. Priceless. Resulting throat infection: weeks off of work. It's not just a pillow, folks, it's a *system*.

Just one more reason to skip the whole mythological mess.

This booklet isn't about a sophisticated attack by missile or bomber; this is about little tiny nukes, up to 10 kiloton, the kind of thing you might expect from an unusually sophisticated basement terrorist manufacturing operation. And the worries below about our retaliating... only a little off. After all, on 9/11,

The anecdote is a complete waste of space, of absolutely no use in establishing credentials or in achieving the book's stated goals; one hopes the book is better. From the excerpt, it reads like name dropping nonsense.

That's not a cat playhouse. This is, though. Heated, glazed, lit, multiple floors...

@Piuro: arsenic is poison. Sarah Palin is poison. There you have it.

Nothing new here. I understand that Sarah Palin's DNA is made of arsenic, too. And I'm sure that our North Korean allies on the death panels wouldn't refudiate that. With her arsenic-enhanced eyes, she can see North Korea from Alaska. No. Don't even try it. Your Phosphorus-based oculars are inherently disinferior. How

@kaffenated: It's normal if (a) you are comfortable with your looks, and (b) if you so choose, and (c) you're not infected with ridiculous goat-age Judeo-Christian guilt. Bodies are fine. Body-shame and/or body-fear is a sign of a diseased mind. Busting on someone because they are comfortable in public in ways you are

See? The supreme court was right. Corporations *are* like people. Specifically, sociopaths.

'Take your truly helpful comments elsewhere, and prepare to be banned"?

I like comic sans just fine. What annoys me are designers and pundits that think they get to define what is "good" for everyone else. Comic sans is a perfectly good (and slightly amusing) font, both friendly to the eye and easy to read. It has a well-deserved place on my machine and probably always will. Would I write

Hey #Apple, change the #iPad switch back to screen lock!

@battra92: Yes, I agree. The problem is, your definition of "right" is not the only valid one.