
Going by this guy, I'd say you're overqualified.

And I would have gotten away with it too, if not for you meddling internet feminists!!

Hey, I used to manage a Baskin Robbins does that mean I can be a judge in Montana too?!?

Gender aside that is a shitty shitty way to treat another person.

The thing that's sad about this all is how consumerist it is. It sounds like trading in an old car for a new one. People aren't cars. They're people. Whenever we treat people like things we can buy at a store, we start treating ourselves like we're commodities too. It's really gross.

Yeah, Superman's whole planet was destroyed, but that's not going to make you tear up like google imaging "up carl ellie gif"

To also represent the original Swedish version:

Whole movie was just one big punch in the feels

The Prequels were the Biggest Tragedy for this man

Elric brothers have it pretty rough.

The bit where he was forced to star in the Matrix sequels was the worst.

I think we all need this.

I AM "reciprocate." How "dare" you imply that "I" am not "reciprocate"!!


I would "rather" die alone and be eaten by my "dog" than date this guy. GUARANTEE #1.

"I'm not in California. I currently live in Dallas, Texas. Is that OK? "

Yeah, there was a lot of emphasis on "inches" in that passage...which pretty much explains why he has to write this ad in the first place. ;)

This will end well.

I am going to be evicted from my house and will be homeless soon. My parents are also going through a divorce and I have to go to Court next week.