
Reagan's tax reforms were incredibly positive. Reasonable people can differ on whether taxes should be lower or higher or whether they should be more or less progressive. The real accomplishment of the Reagan tax reforms was to substantially reduce marginal rates, while making the structure simpler and fairer

The scenario is that DB says "in light of Sunday's events, we will be holding another women's Money in the Bank ladder match on next week's SDL. And, in the meantime, Carmella, your briefcase will be…" and Carmella blurts out a cash in before DB finishes the sentence. So it's after the new match is announced but

They have to win it because, ordinarily, a heel has no excuse for not cashing in unless they are in a position to get an easy win. This is a rare exception to that rule (plus, Carmella would win thw briefcase again the following week and she wouls ultimately get a successful cash-in on her second attempt).

Totally disagree. It's not at all uncommon for men to have matches (including big matches) where the outcome is ruined by outside interference (including outside interference from the opposite gender). What's different here? How did that match show less respect for women than a men's match and what offensive aspect

They really missed an opportunity last week to tease a title fight between Carmella and Naomi.

Absolutely. You can say "this storyline offended me" or "this storyline didn't work to generate more heat for the heels" but not both.

Yes, the idea that the TV/radio split proves that Nixon really won the debates on substance is one of those stupid, badly-supported, widely-believed factoids that just refuses to die. Nevertheless, my first reaction on reading this was that Kennedy did far more to create the modern television-friendly president than

Well, yes. That's the joke. As bad as Brock is at the wrestling artistry of selling moves, his involuntary biological response sells better than anyone. Hence the irony.

Brock turns purple easily and bleeds easily. In terms of a purely physical biological reaction, he arguably sells moves better than anyone else on the roster.

I believe he's the only person to appear in all of the sequels, right? Including the 19th century prequel where he plays Burt's ancestor (easily the best Tremors movie other than the original).

I read it and knew that some people who would freak out over it. But I also know that, although the people who freak out over these things are terribly noisy, they are actually a pretty small and inconsequential bunch.

Not when it's the employee's job to provide food and whatnot to the people coming over. That seems like a legitimate request for an employee.

May have gotten a little carried away here. I'm now the high bidder on 12 items…

Wrestling is objectively dumb, but that doesn't mean it's bad. The hardest part of learning to enjoy wrestling is learning to appreciate its stupidity.

Damn, someone else just beat me to spotting the real "fake" props from Abed's birthday. I'm absolutely buying it.

The Cosby Show was light and cheery, but there was at least some level of struggle and drama. It was brighter than Roseanne, but not at all unrealistic. My own life is as wholesome as the Cosby Show. Maybe being bright and happy literally all the time is a lie, but being as bright and wholesome as the Cosby Show or

There is a big difference between a show that fails to reflect reality and a show that fails to reflect a particular viewer's reality. Your experience may be closer to Roseanne, but that's not true of everyone. Wholesome, happy upper-class Americans are not a myth.

The premise of Downward Dog is great. The problem is when the show strays from the premise. In the pilot, the non-dog-related dramatic story was so bad I couldn't finish the episode. The relationship between Lucas Neff's character and Alison Tolman was boring, and the work story was even worse. She worked for an

This is exactly right. In terms of screen time, Barney and Robin had a 20-hour wedding followed by a five-minute marriage. Horribly ill-conceived.

Those still don't top the hatching of the Gobbledy-Gooker and Mae Young's rubber hand birth as horrible mystery conclusions.