
I was about to agree with you, but then I realized I was thinking of Midnight Cowboy.

Talking about "moderates" and "extremists" isn't really a useful model in the Trump era. He's awful, but he's the furthest thing from an ideological extremist. He doesn't really have any clear policy prefences or principles, but as best anyone can tell he's about as much a Democrat as a Republican. Sounds like this

Or, even worse, people who are not so skilled at magic or martial arts but who are nevertheless eager to demonstrate it.

Didn't we all learn that no one cares about Chewbacca's family from the Star Wars Christmas Special? (Yeah, I know I initially misread the headline but, fuck it, I'm making this comment anyway.)

Seeing as she's actually married to Ian Gomez, bringing home a surprisingly attractive man with long hair is sadly pretty far removed her life experience.

I'd say the better analogy would be a movie that shows Soviet heroism in WWII while ignoring the horrors of Stalinism. I'm as anticommunist as anyone, but I'd still be okay with that.

Exactly! Yes, it's amazing how different narratives are in the modern Christian world. It's always so frustrating to me when movies try to import those values into stories taking place in ancient times. It's so rare that movies are able to resist that temptation that it can make a lot of viewers very uncomfortable.

Great movie and prompted my all-time favorite Roger Ebert review.

Sure, but that's more a criticism of the real historical Sparta than the movie. From the perspective of a modern American, Sparta is a completely alien culture. They did a lot of things that were evil or stupid and not particularly worthy of respect. But there were also a lot of aspects of their culture that were

Being a right-wing guy myself, I had a slightly different view of 300.

Not really. The Kochs are about as hostile to Trump as anyone on the right.

I wouldn't say "here." That's sadly true across most of the internet, but A.V. Club is better than average. The easier it is to aggressively moderate comments, the greater the risk that they succumb to that temptation though.

This really ties back to the question of nesting. Long off-topic threads aren't disruptive if they're confined to a single thread that can be minimized.

Making it easier to keep out "trolls" can be very dangerous. There is really no objective way to distinguish between a person being disruptive and a person stating an unpopular opinion. The easier it is to brand someone a troll and boot them out, the more homogenized a community will get.

Just toward the end, I think. I know they went through several young Shawns over the years.

That's exactly right. WHAS is supposed to be a silly, densely-packed joke machine and this series (especially the early episodes) was not.

It gets better, but not great.

And yet, in terms of premature aging, he is the precise opposite of Terry Bradshaw. I've never seen an active NFL player who looked as ancient as he did.

That line was completely baffling to me. Is she really saying that it's strange or unrealistic for people to make a lot of pop culture references in casual conversation? This is coming from an A.V. Club writer? That's how normal people talk, and even moreso around here. I don't get it.

Putting yourself on billboards is no way to maintain privacy. I agree that, if a person wants to remain private, she should generally have that right. But a person who decides to be a public figure has no right to control exactly how others respond to her public persona.