
Damn, that's embarrassing. That's what I get for not looking it up first. Thank you for the polite correction.

I always thought the sharpest decline in quality was between seasons 2 and 3. Season 3 had some good moments, but it felt very different from the earlier seasons right from the start. Season 4 really wasn't much worse than 3.

I was way more disgusted by this comment before I remembered Justine Bateman was on the show. I really hope you were referring to her and not Tina Louise?

Just a few years before 30 Rock, she played Elliott's mother on Scrubs, and she looked even better than she did when she was on Night Court.

That would be a really bad idea. Even if they want break up Enzo and Cass with Cass turning heel, having Cass secretly attack Enzo makes no sense at all. It's always been clear that Enzo is no threat to Cass, and even if Cass is turning heel it would be a terrible idea to make him a cowardly heel. That would not work

But this has nothing to do with him being a Trump supporter. It's one thing to be intolerant of Trumpist arguments, but being intolerant of Trump supporters in a context completely unrelated to politics is not healthy.

He's not wrong about that. Look at what happened in this comment thread (to a completely apolitical post). I'm not a Trump fan myself, but he's obviously not imagining the intolerance and hostility to Trump supporters.

They did that with Battlestar Galactica and sort of did that with the Nolan Batman movies.

When I hear the words "bald" and "snatch" in the same sentence, I think of…something else. It's not a good line.

Perfect time for it with Kurt Angle as Raw GM. He could bring in an Olympic wrestling ref.

How so? I'm refuting it.

She likes what she likes. Even if that's a result of some cultural and historical context, that's irrelevant. And I'm not at all convinced that it's a result of social conditioning anyway. As you note, finding fair skin attractive is very common across a wide of range of unrelated cultures, and there is evidence that,

It's insane that people now think of this as an anti-racist comment.

Or go all the way back to the pilot with Anne Dudek.

The guaranteed basic income movement is kind of peculiar. It's supporters seem genuinely convinced that they'll inevitably win, but there isn't much evidence for that confidence. It lost in a huge landslide in Switzerland and hasn't really gained much traction outside of Finland. It reminds me of the old-school

The AHCA is not a particularly well conceived bill, but that's not because Paul Ryan has a weak understanding of the issues. He has to contend with a president who nominally represents his party but who doesn't actually have any conservative beliefs and who spouts horrifically ignorant and contradictory nonsense on a

I watch them on Hulu without ads, but I still notice that the ad breaks in the middle of each mini-story are really awkward. I imagine the pacing would make that format much worse for anyone watching it live.

Definitely Aliens, not Alien.

I will always think of Weekend at Bernie's as being Rachel Green's secret favorite movie.

Am I the only one who thought the first half of that story was leading to a Weekend at Bernie's reference?