
Ouch, this comment did not age well.

Braun's undefeated streak, Nia Jax's undefeated streak and Charlotte's PPV undefeated streak were all wiped out in that PPV. As a stand-alone event, it was bad, but tolerable. As far as the long-term effect of deflating storylines and neutering characters, it may have been the worst WWE show in history.

It's kind of his own fault though, right? Should have thought of that before he shot him.

Am I misremembering this or did Larry's first wife also die from being thrown through a window? That hasn't been mentioned in the past several episodes, which seems awfully strange, especially with the other new window victims in last night's episodes. I'm starting to think that may be laying the groundwork for a

Part of the problem is that the WWE loves to push the narrative of the evil Authority with their hand-picked "sell-out" minions like Seth Rollins in his championship run. Once you condition your audience to buy into the mindset that being a company favorite is heelish, it's hard to get them to cheer for someone who is

Oh, I'm not saying it's unjustified. I'm just saying that the crowd is booing Roman and the crowd will continue to boo him for the foreseeable future. Whether the booing started with a small and overly vocal segment of the fanbase and whether it's really fair for him to be relentlessly booed ultimately don't matter.

That's more an explanation of how Roman came to be overwhelmingly booed by the crowd. Yes, it started with a minority of hardcore fans, but the Roman booing snowballed from there. The crowd reached a point where the clear majority booed Roman a while ago. It doesn't really matter why that happened. The boos are here

Some baffling choices in these moves. American Alpha seemed like the most obvious choice to move to Raw. They're one of the few acts that have fallen short of their potential on Smackdown, they don't really have any interesting ongoing plotlines and interacting with Kurt Angle could have opened up a lot of great

The real genius of that segment was that when Miz first came out, he gloated about beating Dean Ambrose and taking the intercontinental title and he taunted the crowd for not giving him a "you deserve this" chant. A few minutes later, Miz presented his "you tried" award and the crowd responded with the "you deserve

I was surprised that Jurassic World was so successful. It's a pretty old franchise and the earlier sequels are mostly forgotten. A lot of similar attempts to resurrect old franchises have completely flopped. Independence Day 2 was similar but it was an absolute disaster.

Not exactly, but surprisingly close. Harrison Ford actually did do a bad Russian accent in a submarine in K-19: The Widowmaker.

I think that line is actually pretty well defined. It's a simple function of whether he's reading someone else's script in character or if he's actually speaking as himself.

There were a number of things in the movie that didn't quite work, but the on the biggest plot point departure from the source material, Snyder was absolutely right. The fake alien invasion idea from the original was kind of silly and over complicated. Using Doctor Manhattan as the terrifying threat forcing the rest

My other favorite bit of network censorship was the episode "Period Piece" where the Bundy family and Rhodes family go camping together. All three of the women start their periods at the same time attracting a mob of angry bears. FOX forced them to change the title to "The Camping Episode" even though the episode

The legal issue was whether Al's performance had been too quick to technically count as sex. Steve, on the other hand, got a standing ovation from the jury after they saw the Steve and Marcy tape.

Supposedly, he had a dark match before the aired show so the live crowd actually had seen a Nakamura match that night.

That's not entirely fair. It's not just an accent. His English is actually pretty weak, and I have some worries about how he'll do moving from NXT to a show where every episode is live and the pace is slower with longer promos.

The brilliance of Jefferson was that he was a combination of some of Al's worst qualities (the misogyny) and Peggy's (the lazy mooch) yet was somehow far more likable and successful than either of them just because he was handsome and charming. Plus, he made Al's relationship with Marcy far more interesting. In the

Yes, Liz and Jack. It copied a lot of the will-they/won't-they tropes and hinted at the possibility pretty frequently. If anyone other than Tina Fey had been showrunner, they surely would have gotten together in the later seasons.

30 Rock