
Last night's Raw women's match was not great on any level, but it's remarkable how much it was spoiled by Fastlane. The story of Bayley winning a championship match over Charlotte? Would have been a lot more meaningful if she hadn't just beaten her on the previous PPV to win the title in the first place. The story of

With Finn back and in the main title scene, what's the point of the cruiserweights? What's so impressive about Neville being "king of the cruiserweights" when someone smaller is aiming for the universal title? The cruiserweights are already struggling and I don't see how they can survive being on the same show as Finn.

I had a feeling last night that they were leaning into Roman's heel heat a little more. Throughout the night, the commentary team and the pre-show panel seemed much more open than usual about Roman's inevitable boos (not even going with the line about a mixed reaction). I'm not sure if it's a pure traditional heel

Unfortunate timing considering Nasty Gal recently collapsed and was by all accounts very badly managed.

It's going to get really awkward when Erica realizes the kid picked her because she's hot. Frighteningly enough, I think she may actually be the closest thing to a girl his age.

They've been surprisingly open tonight about how thoroughly Roman is booed. I know the WWE keeps saying it won't happen, but I think there is a good chance we see an official heel turn from Roman tonight. Especially after Rollins cemented his face status earlier tonight.

Because it's running an hour over the allotted time?

But could you imagine Naomi's triumphant hometown entrance doing her glow-schtick in broad daylight? That would have been painful.

And rightly so. They're both the greatest.

With the name Winston Schmidt, was there any sort of Winston Smith or 1984 reference? I kept thinking there would be, but I didn't notice anything.

I was worried for the opposite reason. I always thought the Cosmo reveal was a bit of a bust and it wasn't nearly as funny as the writers seemed to think it was. This was an excellent twist on the name reveal trope.

On the DVD commentary tracks, they said his family moved to the east coast after season 4.

Cruiserweight booking is about to get a whole lot worse. When Finn comes back and he's in the main title picture, all of the cruiserweights who are at least Finn's size are going to look incredibly weak.

Bayley to Belly isn't particularly unbelievable. It's just really underwhelming for a finisher.

People who complain that plastic surgery makes older people look worse have forgotten what naturally aging stars look like. Sure, there are some awful plastic surgery victims out there, but modern technology usually beats nature.

I don't think it's obvious that the raw number of white police shooting victims is higher. Based on media coverage of police shootings, I suspect that most Americans would be surprised by that fact. It's certainly true that the aggregate public attention to black shooting victims is much higher than for white victims,

Not trying to start a fight here, but isn't the whole premise wrong? There are more police shootings of white people than black people (whites are shot at a lower rate, but the absolute number of shootings is still higher). But police shootings of black victims get far more public attention. If the premise here is

Typical action movies make no sense in that they ignore plot logic whenever it's convenient to create a good action sequence. The movies make no sense, but the writers and the audience all understand that no one really cares.

On the one hand, WWE is saying "CM Punk has been gone for three years, let it go" but on the other hand they're saying "hey, isn't everyone excited for a new Goldberg title run 20 years after his prime." If the company runs on nostalgia, they can't help it if the crowd is nostalgic for things that the company wants