
Charlotte's PPV streak, Braun's undefeated record and Nia's undefeated record were all flushed down the toilet for no good reason. Breaking any of those records should have been huge. Such a waste.

Randy Orton should pursue art rather than crime. Much better policy on pantslessness.

Unfortunately, a few years ago Netflix started stripping the special features off of their discs as well. The studios make discs without special features for rental services.

There was an episode really early in the series where a leaking pipe ruined all of Schmidt's suits except a really tacky one with a lightning bolt on the back. I've always said the writers blew that plotline. Forcing Schmit to wear an old suit from his fat period would have been much funnier and more true to the

I believe the screenwriter said it was thousands of years.

Then where did you think the avatar came from?

There isn't a whole lot of information here on the character, but this may be the only show where the mere existence of a person is a legitimate spoiler.

Exactly. Has everyone here forgotten how much hate and ridicule was directed at FiveThirtyEight right before the election because they gave Trump better odds than anyone else? It's incredibly bizarre that their reputation has taken a bigger hit than all of the other pundits and predictors that were so much worse.

I'm just confused as to why so many people seem to hate the character so much. Given that his predicament is pretty sympathetic, I don't know why he's the most despised movie villain of the year. It seems a little excessive.

There is a movement to abolish solitary confinement in the United States on the basis that depriving a person of human contact for 23 hours a day for weeks or months at a time is psychlogically destructive torture. And that's for the most violent criminals in our prison system.

I haven't seen the movie, but from what I understand he only woke her up after being alone on the ship for a year and facing another several decades alone. Plus, the movie acknowledes that it was kind of a terrible thing to do to her.

Early on, The Middle tried to show Frankie as the classic overworked heroic sitcom mom. More recently, she's been shown as pretty lazy and often responsible for her own problems. It's a big improvement. She's more sympathetic when the writers admit her faults.

Particularly inappropriate in a tribute thread to Alan Thicke. I generally try to avoid speaking on behalf of the deceased, but it's safe to say he wouldn't have appreciated that.

Portia and Drew both had a lot of redeeming qualities. Also, everyone looks at least somewhat sympathetic by comparison to Elliott, who was one of the most unlikable characters in television history.

Not to be confused with Power.

That was such a great episode. I always wondered why his character never came back. He seemed perfect for a recurring role.

That was nice, but unfortunately I think he missed the mark on why Wings fell a bit short of being one of the all-time great sitcoms. The failure to "take risks" with "current topics or sexuality" was not the problem. That's the sort of thing that gets positive attention from critics in the short run, but ultimately

I still think the Hell in a Cell match was a bad idea. The women's division has a pretty short history of matches with violent stipulations. Without the HiaC match, the no DQ match between Nikki and Carmella would have seemed much more special. But once you've had a women's HiaC match, other extreme rules matches look

Jack Gallagher single-handedly justifies the division gor me. I really wouldn't mind if they released every other cruiserweight.

A lot of people do that, but Sorkin is one of the worst offenders. There isn't a whole lot of honor in winning an argument when you get to write the script for the other side.