
It was a little unsettling that Gil now looks roughly the same age as everyone else in the band.

I didn't think she meant "nothing" literally. I figured it just paid very little. I seem to be the only one who had that reaction though.

Whether you love or hate Lorelai is largely a function of how you feel about Richard and Emily. I think Richard and Emily were lovely people and Lorelai's treatment of them was unforgivable. I get the impression that fans are roughly evenly split between siding with Lorelai or siding with her parents (though the

I can't see that working. As long as Garrison is president and an obvious Trump surrogate, adding the real Trump as a character wouldn't work. They're too committed to Garrison as Trump to switch to the actual Trump.

This is wrong. If there are 100 doors, you have a 1% chance of guessing the correct door initially. If 98 incorrect doors are then removed, the only two possibilities are (1) you picked the correct door to start with or (2) the correct door is the remaining option. The odds of getting the correct door by switching are

Is there any reason to believe that it's a picture of a famous person rather than just a non-famous person who looks somewhat like both Tom Hanks and Bill Murray?

Light and cheerful takes on dark original stories is pretty much the entire Disney business model.

Someone pulls this awful joke in every RIP thread. It's disrespectful, and it's never funny.

That scene really didn't work. Jake should have no say in who Amy dates? That's just a totally unilateral decision for Amy?

Zeus is Thor.

I'm still not clear on how this can actually work. A superstrong demigod character can work in a cameo role or as the main star. Anything in between would be difficult. When your main character is an ordinary person, a superhero tagging along with her is inevitably going to steal focus.

Phil (dead Phil, not Tandy) pointed out that jey fuel has a longer shelf life than ordinary gasoline, but it doesn't look like there are any jets available, and that seems like a worse idea for a novice pilot anyway.

Turning down sex with Melissa showed tremendous personal growth for Tandy. The show had to do something to temper that a bit.

Using a plane to hunt for survivors would have been a good idea at one point, bit it's way too dangerous now. A poorly trained pilot in a plane that hasn't been maintained in years with fuel that's past its expiration date doesn't seem like it's worth the risk.

My first thought on seeing that picture was "who's the guy on the bottom left"? My second was "where's Scott Thompson"? It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize those two questions were related.

The shots at Trump are completely fair, but I agree they could add a little balance by mocking the more hysterical anti-Trump crowd. Everyone deserves some brutal mockery these days.

Ah, sorry. The notion that the right is "afraid of change" is awfully common, and I read your comment as implicitly calling Trump supporters the ones who are afraid of change.

I strongly disagree. It's tempting to characterize the other side as being motivated by "fear" and disliking "change" or "progress," but I really don't think that's accurate. Trump isn't a throwback to a past political order. He's a very new political phenomenon. And the scariest parts of his campaign a call for

Not just for the hell of it. She actually said she would leave the planet if Trump won.

Perhaps we'll eventually find the world where it was.