
Not sure how you conclude that Trump did better than another candidate would have done. Republicans at all levels did well (and have done very well since Obama took office). Other Republican candidates tended to outpeform Trump. In particular, Rubio massively outperformed Trump in Florida.

And in the Friends version, there would be the risk that the largest hamster would eat the baby hamsters.

I have a number of objections to BLM, though I agree that a lot of the opposition they see is overblown.

Ellsworth definitely needs to be a part-timer like Brock. Can't expect him to maintain that physique if he's subject to the Wellness Policy.

Was Tom Cruise running a thing before Cougar Town picked up on it? I don't think it was.

Why did ADR insist on a prenup? Because Paige has a long history of claiming other people's houses.

No, I get that the joke was intentional. It's a nice extension of Carol's habit of clinging to rules and morals that make no sense in the new world.

I haven't actually seen Bull, but from the promotional materials, it looks like The Grinder was a sort of time-travelling parody of Bull that somehow managed to air first.

Worrying about racial prejudice seems like an odd priority in a world with roughly ten survivors, almost all of whom are the same race. I'm not sure it's even possible to stereotype a racial group with a single member.

That may have been poor judgment, but the crazy thing is that he didn't actually have anything to hide. Only the most rabid of partisans could find any of these comments objectionable.

And by "Western Hemisphere" he meant "Upper Class Manhattan." It's a common mistake among New Yorkers.

How are people still saying that the biggest and most protected stars get special treatment after Roman Reigns? The part-timer exemption that Brock gets is kind of bullshit, but if they're willing to suspend Roman at the height of his push, it's pretty clear that all of the full-time performers are being treated

Stephen Root voiced way too many minor characters on King of the Hill. He could do Bill and Buck Strickland, but it doesn't work to have one person doing half of the one-line characters, especially given that most of them were Texans. Stephen Root didn't have the range to pull that off (though I'm not sure anyone

It also lends a certain edge to Mr. Krabbs in Spongebob Squarepants.

I'm sure they would have if The Nanny was on NBC. Network loyalty was much tighter back then.

Funny you mention Battlestar Galactica. This sounds exactly like Caprica (SyFy prequel series set on a planet that has been destroyed in the main storyline with a sort of soapy politocal drama focus on the ancestors of the main character of the original story).

Was it clear that Pat was actually in the hazmat suit when Phil went back to find him? I don't think we saw his face, but I wasn't sure if that was an intentionally open plot point or if they just didn't want to drag in the actor for that one scene. If he was unconscious when Phil tossed him in the garbage, then it's

It's kind of a weird paradox. If going back in time to improve the past is wrong because it wipes out the timeline that everyone has lived through, then going back in time to undo a change is wrong for exactly the same reason.

I don't know that I would cite CW as an alternative to a predefined casting mold. They have a pretty clear mold.

Suggesting that they change the name seems reasonable. Talking about the team while making a point of refusing to use the name seems like a huge overreaction, but that's a fairly silly point on which reasonable people can disagree.