
I tend to a pretty big believer in not judging historical figures by modern moral standards. But I still say that naming your kid Hortense is just objectively wrong in any time period.

It may not have been "peak" exactly, but her most impressive appearance was as Elliot's mother on Scrubs. It was 20 years after Night Court and she still looked fantastic.

At a grocery store? You should have peeked in his bags. I wonder what food he would buy for his family at a normal American grocery store.

If you loved Jack Gallagher in the CWC, you should try tracking down his MMA fights on YouTube. They're awesome. He has the same moustache, the same character and basically the same style but he's fighting (and winning!) against real opponents.

Some day, many years from now, someone watching old one-season tv shows will think that The Grinder was an extremely on-the-nose parody of Bull.

I read a roundtable interview somewhere with several casting directors from various networks. One of the questions they discussed was which actors they had tried hardest to land without success. Alison Brie was the top answer. They had each offered her multiple roles but she wasn't interested.

Hold 1005: cradling himself in the fetal position after being mauled by Brock Lesnar

The problem with the Universal Championship is much bigger than the design of the belt (which is bad) or the name (also bad). The real problem is that WWE never really did anything to establish it as a top-tier title. It's a completely new title with no history and no real gravitas on its own. It's simply the top

Hank Hill, no contest.

I'm honestly not sure if it would be considered offensive today, but the Don't Ask/Don't Tell joke "It is my understanding that you are no longer allowed to ask me that question, sir!" is undeniably funny either way.

Lucky you. Most people think of Vanilla Ice when they hear Under Pressure.

So, it's ripping off Bobby Hill's internship but less funny?

They also took it off of U.S. streaming services when the last seasons were released on DVD.

Turd Sandwich vs. Giant Douche wasn't about a specific issue. It was about the two candidates. If you take the view that (1) it's dishonest to suggest that the two parties are equally valid and (2) it's dishonest to suggest that the Republican party is more valid, what's left? A political comedy either supports your

If you think "false equivalence" is lying, I suspect you also would also argue that favoring the right is lying. Is there any way a show could talk about politics without actively endorsing your perspective that you find acceptable?

If you're complaining that South Park is fence sitting, your objection is not that South Park is biased against your political view. Your objection is that South Park fails to be biased in favor of your political views, which is awfully closed-minded.

Losing Foot Fist Way at the end of the month, but getting Foot Fist Way at the beginning of the month.

If you're planning on bidding, make sure you start the registration process early. It takes a bit of time to process.

I suppose the Women's Rag Title will be contested in a first blood match?

Getting used to having tentacles is easy. It's the tentacles having you that really hurts.