
Maybe too obvious to mention but Coach never appeared on Frasier either.

Please be gentle with the A button.

Yes, I thought this was pretty widely known.

Really? Huh, I wouldn't have guessed that. No offense to Allie Grant, but she didn't come across as a teenager at all.

Yeah, for most of the episode I thought it was a little creepy that the the hot teacher was so blatantly flirting with Geoff. It wasn't immediately obvious that the time capsule booth would be run by a student.

I think the Axl storyline was cut back in editing. It looked like there were two kids that were supposed to be highlighted, the mini-Axl and a kind of nerdy looking kid. There were a couple of scenes where it looked like the nerdy kid was just about to say something before the scene ended. I strongly suspect that kid

If you take into account the opportunity to feel smugly superior to people who watch Game of Thrones, fans of the book series love the show more than anyone.

Also, how many times did the trailer say that they had to suddenly jump into the time machine with no time to prepare? Like the one guy who was drunk because he had no prior notice that he was going an a mission? It's a time machine! Why the rush?

Driving alone through a post-apocalyptic wasteland is really not the best time to use one of the most notoriously unreliable cars ever manufactured.

It's amazing how much Gerald McRaney contributed to the trailer for This Is Us. Everything else looked pretty bland, but he was awfully compelling even in those brief out-of-context snippets.

It was also well established that Brick is terrible at math.

In the scene where Nick is giving his toast, there are a number of cutaway shots to Cece holding an iPad so Schmidt can see. Anyone else notice that the iPad is blatantly off-center in the frame so the shot can also include Cece's chest? It was clearly intentional and not at all subtle.

I really don't get the outrage. Nobody is stealing seats here. If someone has a ticket and is willing to sell it for $45,000 and someone else is willing to buy it for $45,000, what's the problem? How is anyone's life improved by the state of California prohibiting that sale?

I already said the guy was obnoxious. The allusions to rape are a bit much though.

One is a matter of common courtesy and the other is a violent felony. Lumping them both together as No Means No issues is not helpful.

You don't need someone's consent to take a photograph in public. The guy sounds awfully obnoxious, but this is not a No Means No situation.

But we only see the top of Peter Dinklage's head with the rest out of frame.

He was great as a running joke in Psych.

A successful professional woman in her 30s who is completely financially illiterate and irresponsible feels unrealistic, but sadly it isn't. I know quite few people like that. There may be a slight exaggeration in Mindy's case, but not much.

I'm with you. The complaint that the previous episode was "moralizing" doesn't quite land. If it came across as moralizing, that was because it was promoting an idea that the reviewer didn't agree with (that people are overly sensitive about things that they see as racially offensive without seriously examining them).