
They can remove someone, but it's not the same thing as never having inducted them in the first place. They're still associated with the company and, there is some publicity that comes from removing a person, which is the last thing you want if you're trying to disassociate yourself from them.

The Mike and Molly version is "A Guy, a Girl, a Pizza Shop, a Fried Chicken Shop, a Doughnut Shop, a Burger Restaurant and a Pie Stand."

They could have tried to make that argument, but I still wouldn't have found it terribly persuasive. Nothing about that operation was legal.

Sharon is pretty consistently awful but, aside from some poor judgment on the night they met, what did Rob do that was so douchey?

He's very tall. I suspect he's much more attractive in person, but height doesn't really come across well on television.

Nadia also counts as a very short-lived love interest for Schmidt.

There were plenty of logical reasons to use Jake and Holt. It's just annoyong that the show never addressed it. Keeping Terry and Gina out of the plot to steal files from the FBI because Terry has a family and Gina is a civilian is totally reasonable. It would have been even funnier of Terry and Gina had been kept in

It seemed a little weird that no one questioned how the criminals knew that the other FBI contact had been exposed. No one realized that there might be a leak? Even when they were in the middle of investigating another leak in the B story?

Did they ever make any attempt to explain why, instead of having Gina teach Holt everything about Sex and the City and having Terry train Peralta to do a pull-up, they couldn't just send in Gina and Terry?

There was an offhand refence to Fred coming home from the gym? That's really surprising. I didn't realize gyms were so popular back in 1963 (or in caveman times for that matter).

The thing that Vince fails to appreciate about Neville is that you need short guys to make the tall guys look big. Muscle is obvious even if everyone in the ring is ripped, but there is no independent point of reference for height. When everyone is seven feet tall, they all look normal and it totally defeats the

I want to Ryder and Emma have a Romeo and Juliette love story with rival face and heel factions.

Rebecca as a strong woman was a pretty boring character. All of her best work was when she was a total loser. Her "I'm too stupid to live!" when she discovers that Robin betrayed her was the greatest line delivery in sitcom history.

In a dog-eat-dog world, Milk Bones would be made of dog.

They should also send Baron Corbin a friendly reminder that propecia is not a violation of the wellness policy.

Agreed, his career wasn't a disaster after he left Comedy Central. It plateaued, not plummeted. He seemed to think he was going to be a huge star, but that didn't happen.

If it's not a Will Harris, it's a mere Interview.

I remember his final episode of Politically Incorrect on Comedy Central. It was one of the most obnoxious things I'd ever seen. He said he was moving to ABC because he had become too big and successful to stay on Comedy Central (it's been about 20 years, but I think his exact words were "we're just too big a fish to

But then we wouldn't have gotten that line at all. Supposedly, that was contributed by Roddy Piper himself. Whatever credit he loses for the lackluster delivery, he more than makes up for in writing the greatest action movie one-liner in history.

I love him as a senator, but even I would admit that he's a bad choice for the Republican nominee. He can't win a national election.